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Heritage Commission Minutes 09/17/2015
September 17, 2015

Members Present: Lucille Noel, Dawn Marshall, Bob McAnney, Michelle Plunkett, Ann Davis, Kate Rafferty Hall

Members Excused: Richard DeBold

Minutes read and accepted.

Treasurer report not available.

Lucille gave Dawn a deposit for cards. ($4.00). To non-lapsing.

Master Plan to Planning Board in November.

Preservation Alliance has completed their 3 year plan
DHR has not yet completed their 5 year plan. We have submitted our case study to them.

Seven to Save
Keep a look out for historic resources in town.
Cobbler Shop on Webster Mills Rd. and Free Will Baptist Church on Kelly Corner Rd.

Lucille received a call from a resident on Towel Rd.  A logging company has breached a stone wall. This is a scenic Rd. They did not know it was scenic.  They have been informed that  it is scenic. The property owner has sold some rocks from the stone wall.

We will not be planting bulbs this year.

Ann will figure out the cost of printing cards for us to sell.
Kate will get a price for card stock, sleeves and envelopes.

The Concord Monitor article about Barbara Frangione's barn was presented to the group. We also read an editorial about the barn that appeared in the Monitor the next day. Both wonderful articles.  
Would we like to participate in 2017 barn tour, in conjunction with the Preservation Alliance.

Canterbury Rd. Trees
Some are in need of replacement.  They need to be weeded and mulched.

Historic signs discussion
How should we identify each building?
Important points of each.
We had a work session to determine what we would like to place open our historic signs

Meeting adjourned @ 8:30

Respectfully Submitted,
Michelle Plunkett