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Heritage Commission Minutes 09/25/2014
September 25, 2014

Members present: Ann Davis, Kate Rafferty-Hall, Michelle Plunkett, Lucille Noel, and Bob McAnney
Members excused: Faye McAnney, Dawn Marshall, Patty Humphrey, Barbara Frangione

Minutes accepted by Bob & Kate.

Treasurer report unchanged for expenditures.

We would like to print more Historic Main Street brochures from Granite Image. We would like 200 flyers and they will be approx $200.00.
Motion was made to print 200 brochures and spend up to $200.00. Accepted by Kate and Ann

Lucille asked members to go to the Hollis Barn Tour, so we can learn about barn easements. The cost is $25 per person. We would like to spend up to $100 for the tour. The tour is September 27.  Motions made to spend up to $100.00 by Ann & Kate.

Scenic Rd. Designation
Michelle & Kate walked Webster Mills Rd. on Monday. Spoke with residents on the road. The people we spoke with are very interested. Kate feels we should have a spokesperson from the road come to town meeting and speak on the Scenic Rd. application.

Canterbury Rd. Tree Project (Bob)
Trees are doing better. Bob & Faye have planted some trees on their property that are ready for planting.

Charrette Progress
We have to raise only $650.00 more dollars.
Can we keep the $25 raised from OHD for petty cash for the Charrette day? Motions made by Kate & Ann.
Ann & Philip will pay for the printing of the Suncook Valley Sun insert. Thank you very much to them both.
Ann asked how many responses we received from the mailing. Lucille said we received 3 or 4.
Country store will supply donuts. Lisa Prizzo will provide quiche. Historical Society will provide the rest of breakfast foods and paper products.

Agricultural Commission, Heritage Commission and Grange will present Steve Taylor and “The Grange its Rise, Triumphs and Decline, on January 21.

Garden Club Presentations
Seeds January
Maple syrup February
Preparing garden for March

Kate went to Agway for bulbs. They offered us a $35 coupon for the daffodils.
For $26.00 we can get a mixture of daffodils and a box of 50 yellows.
Kate will buy the large box from Agway and look for deals.
Kate will go to Clark's and Coles for bulbs,

We will plant at Carpenter Park again. September 28 @ 11. Rain date October 5 @ 11

Master Plan heading for the Planning Board on October 2.

Meeting adjourned 8:30.

Respectfully Submitted
Michelle Plunkett