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Heritage Commission Minutes 01/16/2014
Minutes of 1/16/14

Present: Lucille Noel, Bob McAnney, Anne Davis, Kate Hall, Dawn Marshall

Excused: Faye McAnney, Barbara Frangione, Patty Humphrey, Richard DeBold

Minutes: Minutes of the December 19, 2013 meeting were read, amended, and approved.

Treasurer’s Report: No changes since last month. The town Treasurer’s end of the year figures have been received and there is a discrepancy between our figures and the Treasurer’s. Lucille and Dawn will meet and review the numbers.

$125.59 left in budget
$1557.47 in non-lapsing account

Charrette application: The two page application was reviewed at the meeting and will be reviewed by others in town who are interested in the process.

Bachelder property: There was some discussion about the possibility of the property being bought by the town and used as a public area. It was shared that the building has some complicated legal issues at this time.

Master Plan: The section our commission has been working on is almost done. When completed it will be reviewed by our members and then reviewed by the Planning Board.

Projects for 2014: The completion of the Grange Hall/Town Hall window restoration and weatherization project needs to be added to our list of 2014 projects.

Oral History: The question was asked about whether there is still any interest in an oral history project of the area of town where Patty lives. This had first come up when the area was the proposed route for Northern Pass through Chichester. Kate will speak to Patty about interest on her part. It was mentioned that a project like this is a great amount of work.

Country Store: The owners of the Chichester Country Store are still interested in filling out the application to have their building put on the state historic register. As the store is private property the members think someone not on the Commission would have to head this up and Commission members could assist with the work.

Town Report: A report of the year’s activities along with a photo of the banner and granite post will be submitted for the town report.

Horse Logging: Logging of the Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area behind the Grange Hall will be done in the upcoming month by Tim Riel of Epsom. This is being organized by the town Conservation Commission. Horses will be used as it is not a big area and their impact will be much less than using machines. Previous discussion had been about joining with the Historical Society and perhaps the Photography Club to document this work. When Dawn can confirm the dates, Lucille will be in touch with the other groups.

Humanity Council Program: The Historical Society would like to co-sponsor the Humanity Council talk on Cellar Holes with us. An April date was proposed. Lucille will fill out the paperwork.

Organizational Fair: The Grange is sponsoring an Organizational Fair on February 7 at the Grange Hall to let people in town talk to representatives from town groups. They would like us to send a representative to the fair.

Town Meeting Display: The members agreed they would like to set up the exhibit done last summer, in coordination with the Photography Group, on the Architectural Features of Main Street. Help will be needed to set up ahead of the meeting. We will need to check with the school principal.

Proposed Signage Changes: It was noted that there will be a meeting on changes to town signage regulations on Jan. 30th at 6:30.

Annual Old  House And Barn Expo : March

Meeting adjourned: 8:??

Respectfully submitted,

Dawn Marshall