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Heritage Commission Minutes 07/19/2012
July 19, 2012

Members Present:Lucille Noel, Ann Davis, Faye & Bob McAnney, Dawn Marshall, Michelle Plunkett
Members Excused:Barbara Frangione, Jeff Jordan, Kate Rafferty-Hall

Minutes of June were reviewed, accepted with a couple changes.  Motions by Dawn Marshall and Ann Davis.

Treasurer’s Report
Non-Lapsing Fund-$3, 019.54
Budget Fund-$333.59
The Commission received a donation from the Historical Society to complete one full window in the Grange Hall, Thank You to all Historical members!  This donation was in memory of Walter and Alice Sanborn.
We paid bills of $50.00 for printing of brochures and $60.00 for NHPA dues.

Window Restoration Project
The total for the project from Dave Bowers was $9,344.50.  There is $505.50 left.  Dave Bowers will replace missing/broken locks on windows. We need 18 locks total at a cost of $18.00 each.  Total cost for this is $324.00.  A motion was made to have Dave replace/repair locks.  Dawn first and Ann second.  
Once locks are on the final bill will be sent to the town.  
We have received donations to repair 4 more windows.  We decided to have the remaining 4 on the main floor repaired.  
Ann Davis presented the Commission with a donation for our window restoration fund.  Thank you Ann!

Bob & Faye did a wonderful job painting and repairing the message board at the Grange/Town hall.  They repainted and replaced the cork backing.  Thank You to Bob & Faye!
The flower tub under the Town Hall sign looks great.  Thank you to all who helped with that—Jim Plunkett, Lucille Noel, Donna Chagnon, Ann Davis and her granddaughter. Thank You to All!!
Our banner/logo also looks great and a BIG THANK YOU to Kathy Holmes who did all the design work free of charge!!!!  We will be ordering our banner shortly.

We have received 2 “Favorite Tree” photos for OHD.  Waiting for more!!
Michelle will contact NHDHR regarding scenic rd. signs

Meeting adjourned @ 8:40
Respectfully Submitted,
Michelle Plunkett