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Heritage Commission Minutes 09/15/2011

Members Present:Lucille Noel, Dawn Marshall, Patty Humphrey, Bob & Faye McAnney, Jeff Jordan, Kate Rafferty-Hall, Michelle Plunkett
Members Excused:Barbara Frangione

Treasurer Report-No Change

Old Business:
Barn Easements-Jeff will check with the Ag Commission about this.

OHD-All went very well.  Lots of interest in our activities.  
Jennifer Hawkins won the woodpile contest.  She will receive a cord of wood.

Scenic Roads designation-suggestions
o       Bear Hill Rd.   
o       Canterbury Rd.

The Commission has decided to enter Bear Hill Rd for the designation.  Dawn & Michelle will work on this.  We will check with the Road Agent about repair/maintenance, etc., once we start the process.

Kate states that the procedure is fairly easy.  Kate has given Michelle some paperwork to go by.

Scenic By-Ways (Main Street)

To designate Main Street
        Have to abide by Federal Highway Administration guidelines

Not just for town residents

No minimum miles

Can connect with other by-ways

Michelle will check with Boy Scouts about planter @ Town Hall.

Michelle will check about the stones at the Old Hutchinson property, to see if we can use some of the stones for the planter at the Town Hall.

Boundary Walk-Jeff will be in charge, maybe late Oct. early Nov.  The Conservation Commission will do GPS for the walks.
Jeff will contact Dan Schroth about stones for planter.

New Business

Deb Gagnon-Moose Plate Grant

The Commission was awarded a grant for $9,800, for the windows at the Grange.

Bulb Planting

Patty said her son Dan can help us with the digging.  We have 2000 bulbs to plant in 7 locations:  Library, School, Fire Station, Thunder Bridge, Grange, Stone wall by Hutchinson Property, Triangle by Country Store.  

We will put an ad in the paper about volunteering.

Speakers??  Pair with Historical Society, Ag Commission.  We discussed having Steve Taylor as a speaker.  

The Main Street Brochure was distributed.  It is beautiful.  We have put some at the Library, our “kiosk” at the Town Hall, and at the Country Store.

We will be asking for $500 again in the budget, for our expenses.  

Respectfully Submitted, Michelle Plunkett