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Heritage Commission Minutes 04/21/2011
APRIL 21, 2011

Members Present: Lucille Noel, Bob McAnney, Dawn Marshall, Michelle Plunkett

Members Absent: Faye McAnney, Jeff Jordan, Barbara Frangione, Kate Rafferty-Hall

Others Present: Teresa Downey & Tom Downey

Minutes of March meeting were approved with corrections.

Old Business

Canterbury Rd. Trees

Bob reports that this project has been started.  Mike Stockman volunteered his time to take down the trees.  He will do the remainder later this month or in June.  The trees are down at the Highway Shed for welfare relief.  

Bob has received some money from people to start replanting the trees.  Bob will talk with Jim Plunkett about tree planting and removal of remaining trees.

Steve Burquist and the Winslow’s have offered trees from their property.

Main Street Brochure-Still a work in progress.  Dawn and Michelle will meet to do more work.

Master Plan

Lucille and Michelle are using Pembroke’s as a prototype.  The Chapter for is coming along nicely.

No info on our Moose Plate Grant for the Grange windows.  Michelle will email Deb to see about progress on this.

New Business

We discussed Stewardship for Grange Hall.  Many Heritage Commissions’’ have stewardships for town buildings.  Maybe we can get more information from Jamie or Nancy about maintenance history and what we might need to do. This was tabled to be discussed at a later date.

Kate Rafferty-Hall and Doug Hall took pictures of signage in town.  The Planning Board said it would like the Commission to recommend sign design for Commercial Village District.  More discussion next meeting.

Walter Sanborn will be at our May meeting to discuss the history of the Library.  We will be starting an inventory to place this building on the NH Historic Register.

Our “Watch List”
•       Marker @ Kelley Corner Bridge
•       Cobbler Shop (Warrens) Webster Mills Rd.

We also discussed our Camera Purchase ($150.00).  We need one that is VERY easy to focus and use.  Lucille and Michelle will shop around for one and report to Commission.

We would like to invite the Agricultural Commission to one of our meeting to discuss a Community Garden. We also would like to touch base with the Ag. Commission about Humanity Council Programs.

All members received a copy of “Preserving Community Character, A Preservation Planning Handbook for New Hampshire”.  Members were asked to read pages 9, 16, 23 for our next meeting.

Litter Free Clean up; let’s look into this for next spring.  

May is Preservation Month! Members were given “This Place Matters” signs to be distributed to people who own homes 50 years or older.  
Activities and Events to consider

“Discovery Walks”
•       Scenic Roads
•       Shaw Field
•       Madeline Sanborn Conservations Area
•       School Nature trails/Mill Site

We also chose officers for the coming year

Chair                           Lucille Noel
Vice Chair              Barbara Frangione
Secretary               Michelle Plunkett
Treasurer               Dawn Marshall
Clipping Notebook       Barbara Frangione
Publicity Liaison               Dawn Marshall

Respectfully Submitted
Michelle Plunkett