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Heritage Commission Minutes 03/17/2011
MARCH 17, 2011

Members Present: Lucille Noel, Dawn Marshall, Faye & Bob McAnney, Kate Rafferty-Hall, Michelle Plunkett
Members Absent: Jeff Jordan, Barbara Frangione

Minutes of February meeting were accepted with corrections. Motions were made by Dawn Marshall and Faye McAnney.

Old Business
Lucille touched base on the current initiatives
Main Street Brochure-Michelle reported she will talk with Fred Shaw to get some old maps for the brochure to identify Main Street and old properties.  We would like to have the brochure ready for the July celebration of the Grange Hall being put on the NH Historic Register.  
On the same note, we will have an open house to celebrate the year anniversary of the Grange Hall being put on the register.
Lucille asked Bob if he would like to design a kiosk for the Main Street Brochure.  The placement for the kiosk is yet to be determined, but it will be housed at the Grange/Town Hall.
We are still working on the Master Plan.  We will meet next Thursday @ 3:30 to work on this.
Moose Plate Grant is finished.  Michelle will deliver the application this Friday the 18th to NHDHR.  Total grant is for $9,850.  It is for 13 windows at the Grange Hall.  The cap on this grant is $10,000 per year.  

New Business
We now have a $500.00 budget, which was voted on at the Town Meeting.  Thank you to all the residents of Chichester for their generosity.  
Heritage Expenses:
•       We will purchase 7 copies of “Preserving Community Character, A Preservation Planning Handbook for New Hampshire.  The handbooks are $20.00 each.  The Commission will own the books and members will be able to use them while they are Commission members.  A motion was made by Dawn and 2nd by Faye.  
•       Main Street Brochure printing
•       Tree initiative information
•       Letterhead for Commission (Michelle will talk with Fred and work up a design), only expense will be for paper and ink
•       Our June workshop with the NHDHR on property inventory
•       We would also like to purchase a camera. Not to exceed $150.00.  Easy to use and carry.  
Motions for expenses were made by Dawn and 2nd by Kate. 

Lucille received information from Nancy Tanner on “Litter Free NH” an initiative from DOT.  We would receive 50 lilacs, 2- 5ft Elm trees, or 400 daffodil bulbs.  Michelle will see if there is any interest.  

Signage Style Guidelines for Commercial Village Zone was discussed.  The Heritage Commission will observe signage in other areas and take pictures and identify.  When we are finished we will present to Planning Board.  

The feedback from Town Meeting display was very positive.  People really enjoyed the pictures of the Canterbury Rd. trees and the Hutchinson Property.

Michelle will type up a list of the 2011-2012 meeting schedule

The Drinons have expressed interest in having their property put on the NH Historic Register.  The owners of the Country Store have also inquired about the register.  

Dawn has offered to be our website liaison.

Our “Watch List” (properties or areas of concern)
Stone wall breach
Tree lumbering
Buildings in jeopardy
Commission members will jot down areas in need for next meeting.  W
We would also like to designate more roads as scenic.  We will make a list for next meeting.

March 23rd is the Night Sky Watch at the School.  We are partnering with Town Library.  This program will last 45 minutes.  The watch is presented by the NH Astronomical Society

We would like to discuss some ideas with the Agricultural Committee.  Michelle will see if members of this Committee would like to attend our May meeting.  

May is Preservation Month.  More on this next meeting

Meeting adjourned 8:50pm

Respectfully Submitted
Michelle Plunkett