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Heritage Commission Minutes 02/17/2011
FEBRUARY 17, 2011

Members Present: Faye & Bob McAnney, Jeff Jordan, Lucille Noel, Barbara Frangione, Kate Rafferty-Hall, Dawn Marshall, Michelle Plunkett, Tom Jameson (Chichester Planning Board)

Members Absent: Bette Bogdan

Minutes from January meeting reviewed and accepted.

New Business
Tom Jameson was invited to discuss the Heritage Commission’s section of the Master Plan.  

Lucille went over the Commission progress, goals, objectives and strategies.

To summarize:

Goal: Preservation of community/rural character by promoting the identification, preservation, protection, and enhancement of historical, cultural, and scenic resources.

Objective1-1 Designate and preserve town owned historic buildings

•       Work with boards on preservation initiatives
•       Act in partnership with NHDHR in pilot inventory project
•       Prepare Chichester Town Library inventory for NHSHR
•       Maintain membership in the NH Preservation Alliance

Objective 1-2 Designate and preserve scenic vistas, views, and roads

•       Promote Historic Main Street Brochure
•       Identify and nominate town roads for scenic designation
•       Initiate stone wall protection along town owned roads
•       Preserve, enhance or replant trees to preserve scenic landscape of Canterbury Rd.

Objective 1-3 Raise community awareness of public benefits of the preservation and enhancement of historical, cultural and scenic resources

•       Participate in program partnership and collaborations with other organizations and commissions
•       Offer workshops on preservation issues
•       Hands on assistance with house and barn inventories
•       Barn Assessment Grants
•       State and National Historic Register designation
•       Discretionary preservation easements for agricultural structures
•       Participate in OHD-informational booth

Tom discussed lighting ordinance, village zone, open space zoning, and sound ordinance (only in commercial zone, maybe in the future, town wide).

The Heritage Commission can make recommendations to the Planning Board about historic resources.

The Planning Board can also let developers talk with the Commission about preservation.

The Commission will identify historic resources for the Planning Board.

The Commission will add a NHDHR inventory to Master Plan and define “colonial” in the Village District.

Old Business

Canterbury Rd Trees (Bob McAnney)
Jim Plunkett has talked with the Tree removal company the town uses.  The company has agreed to remove trees for no cost.  Jim will send a letter to residents before we begin removing the trees. Residents are allowed to take the fallen trees on their property.  If they do not want the trees, the Highway Dept. will remove them and store them at the Town Shed for Old Home Day.

We need to find out who would like trees replaced on their property.  Dennis Nolin and Gerry Hatch have expressed interest.  Steve Backurz has baby Maple Trees we could dig up and replant.

Inform the town about the tree removal on marquee in from of Town Hall.

Urban Forestry workshop on trees in May.  Who would like to attend?

Moose Plate Grant for window restoration in Grange Hall.  The cap on this grant is $10,000.  This grant needs to be in by March 31st.  Lucille and Michelle will work on this.  

The Commission has chosen Olde Window Restores of Weare, NH to do the work, if we receive the grant.  A motion was made by Barbara Frangione and second by Jeff.

Info Board for Town Meeting
Set up  Kate, Lucille and Michelle

Night Sky viewing with NH Astronomical Society, March 23.  Michelle will check to see availability of school.  This is partnered with the Town Library.

June 28th ,  from 1-4, workshop with Maggie Stier (NH Preservation Alliance) about putting your historic home/property on the NH Historic Register.  This will take place at the Grange Hall.  

Meeting adjourned @ 8:30 pm

Next meeting March 17, 2011 at Town Library

Respectfully Submitted

Michelle Plunkett