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Heritage Commission Minutes 06/18/2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Bette Bogdan (Citizen), Barbara Frangione (Historical Society), Tom Jameson (Planning Board Chairman), Bob Mann (Conservation Commission), Dawn Marshall (Conservation Commission), Steve MacCleery (Chair Board of Selectmen), Lucille Noel (Historical Commission), Michelle Plunkett (Citizen Alternate).  

Others present: Walter Sanborn

Lucille Noel opened the meeting at 7:00pm

Introductions of all present.

Oaths were taken by B.Bogdan, B.Frangione, T.Jameson, B.Mann, D.Marshall, L.Noel presented by Board of Selectman Chair Steve MacCleery. As M. Plunkett’s was not prepared, Lucille Noel stated she will ask Lisa Stevens, Town Administrator to prepare an oath for Ms. Plunkett to sign at the next meeting.

Purpose of Heritage Commission:
Lucille Noel passed out packets to all present which included:

   Meeting Agenda
   Powers and duties as outlined under RSA 674:44-6
   Definition of Heritage Commissions
   History of Chichester Heritage Commission
   Draft Mission Statement for Chichester Heritage Commission
   Sample Rules of Procedure from current active Commissions (Deerfield and Amherst)
   Sample of Annual Reports from active Heritage Commissions
   Sample of what other Heritage Commissions have done
   Suggested projects that will cost no money
    Suggested Projects that will cost money

Discussion, Rules of Procedure:  Lucille Noel solicited feedback as the Rules of Procedure to adopt so that election of officers could take place. It was decided to adopt the Rules of Deerfield, as it was brief, and in the future any other Rules could be added as necessary. Clerk/Secretary will draft these for approval at next meeting, July 23rd.

Elections:  Lucille Noel was unanimously elected Chairwoman, Barbara Frangione unanimously elected Vice-Chairwoman, and Bette Bogdan unanimously elected Clerk/Secretary for a period of one year.

Upcoming Meeting Schedule/Location: Meetings to be held at 7PM, the third Thursday of each month at the Chichester Library.

As Chairwoman, Lucille established meetings for the year as follows:
  July 23rd 2009
  August 20th  2009
  September 17th  2009
  October 15th   2009
  November 15th    2009
  December 17th    2009
  January 21st 2010
  February 18th 2010
  March 18th 2010

Short Term Planning/Long Term Goals:   Lucille Noel solicited Commission as to short term planning and long term goals. It was discussed that Heritage Commission could have space on Town of Chichester’s website;  that an informational table at Old Home Day be staffed with Commission member volunteers, and a brochure and poster could be made outlining the Heritage Commission goals, and resources. Bette Bogdan volunteered to draft a brochure and posters utilizing pictures of the Town’s current restoration projects (with permission of Residents involved) and will supply materials needed to complete this task. This rough draft will be presented at next meeting for approval. Tom Jameson suggested that the brochure include the paragraph outlining why a Heritage Commission was needed. Other items suggested included: Mission Statement (once approved at next meeting), services, and resources that the Heritage Commission can offer (Links to Preservation Alliance, National Trust for Historic Preservation, and assistance with research as to period paint colors, architectural restoration.
Action Items for July 23rd Meeting:
   1.) Review of Minutes
   2.) Lucille asked that Commission Members review Mission Statement, short term planning and Long  
         Term goals, and be prepared to offer feedback/discussion, so that they may be accepted at July
        23rd meeting.
   3.) Review/Changes/Acceptance of Brochure and Poster Template

Lucille Noel informed the group that at the August 20th meeting, a presentation from Nadine Peterson and Mary Kate Ryan of the NH Division of Historical Resources will be held.

There being no further discussion, Lucille Noel declared the meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.

Respectfully submitted June 19th  2009, Bette Bogdan, Clerk/Secretary


______________________  _________         ________________________________     _________
Lucille Noel Chairwoman        Date                  Barbara Frangione Vice-Chairwoman         Date