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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/13/2017

Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting
2nd Thursdays at 7 pm
Minutes of Meeting July 13, 2017
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office

Present:  Blaze Konefal, Dawn Marshall, Bob Mann, Marianne DiTaranto,Gordon Jones (7:30),  Zack Boyajian (7:45).   Guests Gail Britton-Kojigian and Charles Kojigian.   
Call to Order at 7:08 pm.
Minutes of 6/8/17 approved with minor changes
Mailbag.  Copy of a memo from Paul Adams, Kellys Corner Road, to the Selectmen about wetlands and other matters at Healy Pasture Estates.
Conservation Fund statements from the Treasurer, showing three separate accounts with balances for May:
        Shirley Waters Memorial Fund            29,601.43
        Conservation Account                    49,380.26
        Conservation CD (redeemed in May)       301,950.00
        Total                                   380,931.69
The Shirley Waters Memorial Fund total  should include a portion of the 'Conservation CD.'
Public outreach.  Dawn reported on ongoing Main St. Charette work, including wall building, tree planting and crosswalk approval.  
Marianne reported that the July 29 Trail Maintenance Workshop by the Stewardship Network has not had sufficient sign-ups, possibly due to conflicts with the garden tour and other summer events.  She will ask the Network to postpone until September or October.  
Land Conservation.  Shaw parcel Purchase and Sales Agreement for $85,000 has been signed by all parties.  
Moved by Dawn, 2nd by Blaze, to hold a public hearing on 8/10/17 (next meeting) to spend not to exceed $89,000 from the Conservation Fund.  All in favor.  Final vote on use of the Conservation Fund will take place after the hearing.
Bob will contact Title Companies to get costs on title search, closing assistance and title insurance needs.   Advice from Town Counsel needed on closing representation and need for title insurance.
Shaw parcel property inspection scheduled for 8/4/17 at 4pm at the snowmobile trail gate on Main St..   The owners will be notified.
Shaw parcel acquisition budget discussed and approved:
Purchase price          85,000
Closing                 300
Title search            200
Prop tax                500
Legal                   250
Appraisal               400
Recording               20
Prop trans tax          1400
Contingency             930
Total                   $89,000
Spaulding Town Forest.  5RCT (Ken Stern) is working on a Merrimack Conservation Partnership grant request of $12,750 with a total budget (including 5RCT services and Town costs) of $25,500.   Subject to change.  Blaze has finalized the survey contract, and first payment of $1200 has been made to 5RCT for legal work.    
Carpenter Park.  Per Zack, work on the new building is progressing slowly, contract with Merrill Construction for amphitheater and trail repair is signed.  Planning on completion by 8/19 Old Home Day.   Need to pick up barberry cuttings along the foot path.
Easement stewardship.  Blaze is working on reports for the Drinon, Blackman and MSCA spring walks.
Other business.  Discussion on the Conservation Fund accounting, including possibly directing some funds to a new CD, to take place next meeting.  Need to follow up on trail from Library to School on Mrs. Frangione's land.   

Meeting adjourned at 8:57 pm.  Next Monthly Meeting: Thursday, August 10, 2017 at 7 pm, Public Invited.
Notes by Marianne, draft minutes by Bob.
