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Conservation Commission Minutes 06/08/2017
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting
Minutes of Meeting June 8, 2017
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office

Members Present: Bob Mann, Zack Boyajian, Jim Eggers, Frank Harrison
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Bob Mann at 7:30 pm.  The Minutes of May 11, 2017 were approved with minor edits.
Mail Bag:
Announcement: June 14th – Five Rivers Annual Gathering – Wednesday Evening in Concord.  Come celebrate a very successful year with Five Rivers at our Annual Gathering. We’ll provide food and drink, recap Five Rivers successes in the past year and look forward to upcoming opportunities. Emily Preston, of NH Fish and Game’s Non-Game and Endangered Wildlife Program will be our presenter with a program highlighting the importance of conservation to New Hampshire’s wildlife
CHICHESTER LIBRARY INVITATION: Don’t forget to keep Saturday, June 17th, available for the Open House of the new addition to the library, from 9 a.m.-12 noon, as well as the used book sale from 8 a.m.-1 p.m.  The unveiling of the plaque to honor Shirley Waters, the benefactor for the new addition, is scheduled for 11 a.m.  Refreshments will be served.
Chichester Planning Board: Regarding a property owner building on Dover Road, the Planning Board requested consultation from the Conservation Commission because the requested driveway for a commercial enterprise will run through a 50 foot wetland buffer zone.  Due to apparent time constraints, the planning board moved forward with a decision to grant construction in the buffer zone.  The CCC members present agreed that the buffer zone infringement did not represent a significant impact on wildlife or wetlands in the immediate vicinity, based on available data.

•     Public Outreach:  Frank is transferring data to the new interactive map, preparing to launch online August 1, 2017.
•     Land Conservation:  Marianne has coordinated the July 29, 2017 Trail Maintenance Workshop with Emily Lord of the Stewardship Network of the UNH Cooperative Extension.  They have set up a coupon code for Chichester residents where they can enter the coupon code “chichestertrails” (all lowercase) for a 60% discount (a cost of $10 per person). It would be good to start sharing this around Chichester so we can make sure to get a solid group of Chichester residents registered early. The registration limit for the workshop to 20.  Marianne is creating a press release.  Link to register: 
•     Carpenter Park:  There are still many wrap-up projects that need to be completed before Old Home Day at Carpenter Park.  Interested volunteers should contact Zack Boyajian, chair of the Parks and Rec Commission.  Good progress has been made on spring necessities.  The old snack shack will be removed by Jim Plunkett and crew.  The new service building is being finished on the inside and contracted work is being planned for the natural amphitheater.  The trail repairs are being discussed to control the wash out on the hill from the flagpole to the baseball field dugouts.
•     Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Frank will operate his Summer Camp for middle school kids and they will conduct community service on the Marsh Pond trail network.
•     Spaulding Town Forest: The team unanimously agreed to approve and move forward with submitting contractual paperwork to the Five Rivers Conservation Trust (after contract review by the Selectmen's Office) to begin processing the easement of the Spaulding Lot and to approve first invoiced payment to 5RCT for $1200.
•     Easement Stewardship: All required spring surveys have been completed by Blaze and Jim.  All appears to be in order.
•     Other Business: Bob purchased a 32GB USB drive for easy storage and transfer of CCC electronic files.  The team unanimously agreed to reimburse Bob from the CCC budget funds (~$15).
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.
Next Meeting: Thursday, July 13 at 7 pm in the Grange Hall Selectmen’s Office
Public is invited. Minutes prepared by Frank Harrison.
