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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/12/2017
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting

2nd Thursdays at 7 pm

Minutes of Meeting January 12, 2017

Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office


Members Present:  Bob Mann, Blaze Konefal, Dawn Marshall,Zachary Boyajian, Jim Eggers, Frank Harrison, Marianne DiTaranto

Others Present:Lucille Noel and Carolee Davison, Library Trustees and Main Street Charretteteam

Call to Order by Bob Mann at 7:07 pm. 

Lucille Noel brought up the unsold parcel of land of the Shirley WatersEstate.  Both the Conservation Commissionand the Library are among the 6 beneficiaries of the estate.  She asked if the Commission had considermaking the property a conservation area. The Commission had visited the property during the fall and wasconsidering options at that time and would take the issue up again.

Carolee Davidson brought up Charrette team’s work at the town hallproperty and that they were intending on placing a gazebo in the corner of thelot in the cleared open space.  She askedif the conservation commission could donate to the estimated $12,000 cost.  The Commission felt it needed to review thepurposes of the conservation funds to see if and how they could participate.

Minutes of themeeting on December 8, 2016 were approved.


The mail bag included a thank you from Five Rivers Conservation Trustfor our previous donation, Shirley Waters Estate accounting from Flood Sheehanand Tobin attorneys, Conservation Fund Treasurer’s report, Eversource notice ofpower line clearing on RFL8 from Loudon to Route 28 and an announcement of FiveRivers Conservation Trust winter wildlife walk.


a.     Public Outreach Frank Harrison provided a demonstration ofpotential website improvements to include ARC GIS online mapping of townproperties and information that could be provided about town own lands,conservation easement and allowable uses. More development and input is needed. Frank will talk with Fred Shaw about his ideas.

b.    Land Conservation: Discussion about Blackman Easement and theno Hunting signs that are posted and the response from Steve Walker of the LCIPProgram who we informed of the situation. Further discussion with the land owner is needed, but should betactful.  Zack Boyajian sent the lettersto 6 land owners on and adjacent to Lynxfield Pond, but had not received anyresponses.   He would investigate otherland owners around the pond and prepare letters.  Calls would also be appropriate follow up.

c.     Spaulding Town Forest: Discussion around the proposed conservationeasement on the Spaulding town Forest and Five Rivers Conservation Trust who isconsidering accepting the easement.  TheTown will need to approve the easement at Town Meeting in March.  Example easement language was discussed.  Zack Boyajian made a motion “ To see if thetown will vote to place a conservation easement on the properties Map 1 Lot 33and Map 1 Lot 27-A (AKA Spaulding Town Forest), such easement to be held by aqualified conservation organization.” The motion was seconded by DawnMarshall.  Motion passed 7-0. 

d.    Carpenter Park:  Mr.Boyajian gave update on Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant activitiesincluding the park service’s building, picnic area, trail, and playground.  Zack Boyajian asked Frank Harrison if hecould help design a new entrance for the park.  Frank was willing to help.

e.     Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Nothing new.

f.      Easement Stewardship: Nothing new.

g.    Bobdiscussed the Commissions Annual Report.

Meeting adjourned at 9:16 pm.  Minutesprepared by Zachary Boyajian

Next Meeting: Thursday February 8, 2017 at 7 pm, Public Invited

