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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/10/2016
Chichester Conservation Commission
Approved Minutes:  Nov 10, 2016  Meeting
Present:  Bob Mann, Zack Boyajian, Jim Eggert, Blaze Konefal, Dawn Marshall, Frank Harrison
Not Present: Gordon Jones, Marianne Hromis
Call to order at 7:11
.Approval of Minutes of  October 2016 meeting with changes to spelling.
1.   Third accounting by attorneys for Shirley Water’s Estate.
        Sale of 4 acre parcel of land for the estate fell through. Buyer forfeited $2,500 fee.
2.   Request for budget from Selectman's office
Goals and Projects
a.      Public Outreach – Frank will work on improving the website map of town conservation lands
1.      Nate Bronenberg and Jeff Meehan have agreed to allow a foot a path across their lands which will connect the Grange Hall and Pound Road,
2.      Barbara Frangione has agreed to allow a trail on her land that connects the town library and the school.
b.       Land Conservation
1.      Spoke with a local landowner to explain conservation easements
2.       Zach has been researching the deeds around Lynxfield Pond (an area of high conservation value on the NRI) especially those that adjoin the town land on Map 6, Lot 11. Zach wrote some sample letters to the landowners asking for a discussion of the possibilities of purchasing their land, purchasing a conservation easement, and/or a recreation right of way to the pond.
c.       Spaulding Town Forest  
1.      We had a Saturday meeting with Ken Stern from Five River's conservation Trust at which we discussed the steps and cost of a conservation easement of the Spaulding Town Forest. Mr. Stern was going to go back to his organization and discuss the possibility of them holding the easement on the property.
2.      There was support at the Nov. 10, Selectman's meeting by the Select Board for putting a conservation easement on the Spaulding Town Forest      .  
3.      Upcoming meeting and walk to Spaulding Town Forest with Five Rivers Conservation Trust representative Ken Stern, on Saturday,  Nov. 20 at 9am.
4.       CCC members will check with other conservation groups about their fees for easements.
d.       Carpenter Park
        1. Got update on progress of new snack shack and on work still to be done from  Zack.
        2. Received a one year extension on DRED grant.
e.       Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area
        1. Easement still needs to be walked

f.        Easement Stewardship
        1.Blackman Easement walked last week. Met with owner, some trouble with ATV's on property.      Sign up for no hunting without permission.
        2. Also last week, Drinan Easement walked NE boundary and south boundary. Found a wildlife      camera and a deer stand with hunter in it. Swamp almost dry, beaver dam still intact.
        3. Still need to walk Whittemore, MSCA, and Camping World if possible.
5 . Other business
        1. We will request $650 again for this year's budget
        2. Question: Is there another easement near the Drinan and Humphrey easements? Zach will try    to clarify and identify the owner.
Adjournment: 9:14
Next Meeting : Dec. 8, 2016 at 7pm
Minutes prepared by D. Marshall