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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/13/2016
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting
Minutes of Meeting October 13, 2016
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office

Present: Bob Mann, Zack Boyajian, Blaze Konefal, Dawn Marshall, Zachary Boyajian, Jim Eggers, Marianne Hromis, Frank Harrison

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Bob Mann at 7:08 pm.  The Minutes of September 8 were approved with minor edits.

Snowmobile Trail Access in Chichester
Traildogs Snowmobile Club Representative, Kevin Gagne, visited the meeting to give his regards and request annual access to trails on public land managed by this commission.  Bob Mann will send this request to the selectmen for review and approval.  We discussed specific issues regarding the Traildogs domain in Chichester, from the Pembroke/Epsom Corner to Shaw Fields (the junction of NH State Corridor 15 and Trail 360). The Beehole Beavers Snowmobile Club manages the remaining section of trails from the Shaw Fields to the Chichester - Loudon border crossing on E. Ricker Rd.  To view managed snowmobile trails in Chichester, go to

Mail Bag:

Shirley Waters Estate:  On September 13, members of the team visited the 4 acre parcel remaining on site to evaluate possible interest for conservation purposes.  It was unanimously agreed that the land/marsh does not present as high conservation value to the team.  The land is now pending sale as the final detail in estate business.  When the sale is complete, the final dispersal (minus management expenses) will be distributed to all beneficiaries.
New Hampshire Association of Conservation Commissions (NHACC) has sent its annual request for 2017 membership dues.  The team agreed (unanimous vote, with 1 abstaining member) to pay $269 in 2017.  The 46th Annual NHACC meeting is to be held November 12 at Pembroke Academy.  Team members are encouraged to register and attend (reimbursement available with receipt).  Visit for more information.
The Conservation Fund CD ($300,000) has earned $162 in interest in 2016.
NH DES has approved a utility project managed by Eversource Energy on Map10 - Lot 35 off of Ingalls Rd to install a 5000 sq ft concrete pad for maintenance purposes.
Five Rivers Conservation Trust ( sent the annual report.
•     Public Outreach: John Porter (former UNH professor) will give a talk on Historic Barns on October 20 at 7 pm at the Grange Hall.  All are welcome to attend!  Sponsored by the Chichester Historical Society.
•     Land Conservation:  The team has pursued establishing a walking trail network through town, with a vision to connect the The Spaulding Town Forest, the Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area (MSCA), the Grange Hall, the Shaw Fields, the Town Library, the Elementary School, and Carpenter Park.  Many of these sites are already connected by Snowmobile Corridor 15 and other trails.  Conversations continue with local landowners to promote passage by the public on walking trails that cross private land.  The team promotes low-impact trail use by the general public.
•     Carpenter Park:  There are still many wrap-up projects that need to be completed before winter at Carpenter Park.  Interested volunteers should contact Zack Boyajian, chair of the Parks and Rec Commission.
•     Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: The team promotes the planning and development of trail expansion to connect town owned land parcels on the north side of Marsh Pond.
•     Spaulding Town Forest:  Extensive discussion ensued following the proposal to “pursue the provision and establishment of the Spaulding Town Forest as a conservation easement.”  (Map 1 - Lots 33 and 27-1).  The vote passed with 5 in favor and 2 against.
•     Easement Stewardship: Easement walks will begin after the leaves drop this fall.  Blaze will send notices to all team members regarding these annual inspections.
•     Other Business:  The Planning Board monitors the development of commercial sites on Route 4.  Our team has been sent information regarding one such site that needs to establish a legal wetlands buffer zone delineation before development can proceed in a manner that best aligns with zoning ordinance and wetland buffer compliance.
Meeting adjourned at 9:12 pm.
Next Meeting: Thursday, Nov. 10, 2016 at 7 pm in the Grange Hall Selectmen’s Office
Public is invited. Minutes prepared by Frank Harrison.