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Conservation Commission Minutes 09/08/2016

Present: Bob Mann, Zack Boyajian, Blaze Konefal, Dawn Marshall, Zachary Boyajian, Jim Eggers, Marianne Hromis, Gordon Jones

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Bob Mann at 7:08 pm.  The Minutes of July 14, 2016 were approved. There was no meeting in August.

Mail Bag: The NH Sustainable Forestry Initiative will be held in New London on September 23, 2016. The DES Wetlands Bureau has requested more information on the application for PSNH and Eversource. July invoice for legal services for the Shirley Water’s estate, $292.50.  Probate court approved distribution of funds from the sale of a portion of the Shirley Water’s estate, $29,600. Other various correspondence and solicitations were also reviewed.


  •         Public Outreach: During Old Home Day, Zach hosted a walk of the trails on the south side of Carpenter’s Park. He will offer another walk some time this fall. Dawn reported that the Heritage Commission is looking at the historical importance of Webster Mills Road with an emphasis on the cobbler shop. The Charette plans are moving forward including a discussion of crosswalks and lighting for Main St.
  •         Land Conservation:  Different open space preservation projects are being considered. Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 10/11/16 so that Ken Stern of Five Rivers Conservation Trust can join us to talk about easement protection for town lands.
  •         Carpenter Park: The improvements  at Carpenter Park are continuing. Zach has reported that the electrical trench was currently being dug and the holding tank and steps still need to go in.  
  •          Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Frank Harrison and the Science Camp cleared the Blueberry Trail. Blaze Konefal cleaned the poison Ivy from the trail starting from the town office parking lot.
  •        Spaulding Town Forest:  No new items.
  •         Easement Stewardship: Easement walks will begin after the leaves drop this fall.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. Next meeting: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 7 pm. Public is invited. Minutes respectfully taken by Marianne Hromis.