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Conservation Commission Minutes 06/09/2016
Chichester Conservation Commission
Grange Hall Selectmen's Office

Approved Minutes of the Meeting of June 9, 2016

Present: Bob Mann, Blaze Konefal, Dawn Marshall, Zach Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Marianne Hromis

Call to Order by Bob Mann at 7:05 pm

Presentation by Eversource and Normandeau Associates on proposed Eversource Switching Station on Class 6 road off of Ring Road and Ingalls. Eversource is applying for a standard wetlands permit from DES which will impact 5804 sq feet to upgrade the site of the switching station. The upgrade will allow for a bucket truck to access poles for regular maintenance and for plowing in the winter.  The site will not be paved. Construction will consist of applying a stabilizing fabric to the site, followed by gravel and then crushed stone, which would all be rolled. Silt fencing will be used to prevent any disturbance to the wetlands. For more information contact Donna Keeley:

Mailbag: Received: 2 communications from Flood Sheehan and Tobin PLLC on the Shirley Waters Estate; UNH Extension Service publication: Picking Our Battles: A Strategic Plan for Invasive Plant Management; Five Rivers Conservation Trust Annual Report and other promotions.

Public Outreach: Dawn Marshall reported on future plans of the Heritage Commission to sponsor talks by John Porter on Barns and Stephen Taylor on the Poor Farm. The Charrette Committee is looking at sidewalks, crosswalks and lighting for Main St.

Frank Harrison will work on Carpenter Park and the viewing platform for the Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area.

Zach Boyajian will be offering a walk around the south side of Carpenter Park to the public during Old Home Day.

Land Conservation: No new news.

Spaulding Town Forest: Support for Bob Mann to investigate through Five Rivers Conservation Trust, cost and options of an easement.

Carpenter Park: Zack may put work crew together for siding.

Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Bob Mann to evaluate the downed tree on the property.

Easement Stewardship: No new news. Walks will be conducted soon.

Meeting adjourned at 8:23 pm by Bob Mann.

Next Meeting: Thursday July 14, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Selectmen’s Office in the Chichester Grange Hall.  Minutes prepared by Marianne Hromis.
