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Conservation Commission Minutes 04/14/2016
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting
2nd Thursdays at 7 pm
Draft Minutes of Meeting April 14, 2016
Grange Hall, Selectmenís Office

Present:  Bob Mann, Frank Harrison, Blaze Konefal, Gordon Jones, Jim Eggers, Zack Boyajian, Dawn Marshall

Call to Order by Bob Mann at 7:02 pm.  Minutes of the meeting on March 10, 2016 approved with comments.


Shirley Waters Estate is still being processed, near completion.
Timber processing approved by NH State DES near wetlands at 231 Main Street.


Public Outreach:  Reminder that the TOWN SURVEY is due at the end of April 2016.

Land Conservation:  VOTE PASSED (6 in favor, 1 against)
To authorize Blaze Konefal to work with Town Treasurer to authorize shifting up to $300,000 of conservation funds into an interest-bearing certificate of deposit (1 year term and 1 penalty free withdrawal).
Spaulding Town Forest: no new business
Carpenter Park:  COMCAST sponsored workday APRIL 30, 2016 8am - noon) ñ All are Welcome!
Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: no new business
Easement Stewardship:  Spring assessments is underway!

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.  Minutes prepared by Frank Harrison
Next Meeting: Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 7 pm, Public Invited