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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/10/2016
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting
2nd Thursdays at 7 pm
Minutes of Meeting March 10, 2016
Grange Hall, Selectmenís Office

Members Present:  Bob Mann, Blaze Konefal, Dawn Marshall, Zachary Boyajian
Others Present: Tracy Degnan, Rockingham County Conservation District

Call to Order by Bob Mann at 7:08 pm.  

Tracy Degnan requested approval for expedited minimum impact wetland permit for restoration projects being conducted on the Guida Conservation Easement off of Pleasant Street Tax Map 10 Lots 9 and 9A held by the Natural Resources Conservation Service.  The Easement is part of the Wetlands Restoration Program protecting and restoring wetlands.  Restoration activities included early successional habitat restoration in both uplands and wetlands and restoring natural water flow in manmade ditches.  Mr. Boyajian made motion for approval of the expedited permit review by NH Department of Environmental Services.  Ms Marshall seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.  All agreed it is good the easement was in place and restoration work was happening.

Minutes of the meeting on February 11, 2016 were approved.

Mr. Mann provided a copy of the letter from the Chichester Conservation Commission to NH Department of Transportation requesting Transition from standard inlet and outlet culverts to natural bottom culverts with the Route 4 repaving project currently proposed.

Copy of notice of minimum impact wetland permit for forestry activities on New England Flower Farms LLC on Pleasant Street was received.

Shirley Waters estate update of due diligence and fees by the executors.

Public Outreach Copy of Chichester Master Plan Survey was provided.  Questions about the master plan process were asked, but little specific information is known about how town departments and commission will be engaged.
Land Conservation: no new business
Spaulding Town Forest: Discussion regarding potential to investigate vernal pools in the early spring.  If anyone has time for early evening survey, let others know.
Carpenter Park:  Mr. Boyajian gave update on Land and Water Conservation Fund Grant activities including the park serviceís building, picnic area, trail, and playground.  Additional work is planned for the remainder of the year. The Commission asked about possible work days.  Mr. Boyajian state none were planned yet. Conversation regarding invasive and undesirable species removal from the Carpenter Road/Rt 28 edge of the park.  Possibly a conspicuous site for Heritage Commission sugar maples.  
Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Nothing new.
Easement Stewardship:  Mr. Konefal will start site visits and let Mr Mann know when he goes.
Discussion of use of certificates of Deposit to receive better interest on the Conservation Fund.  Mr. Konefal will investigate further.

Meeting adjourned at 8:59 pm.  Minutes prepared by Zachary Boyajian
Next Meeting: Thursday April 14, 2016 at 7 pm, Public Invited
