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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/14/2016
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting
2nd Thursdays at 7 pm
Minutes of Meeting January 14, 2016
Grange Hall, Selectmen's Office

Present:  Bob Mann, Frank Harrison, Blaze Konefal, Gordon Jones, Jim Eggers

Call to Order by Bob Mann at 7:05 pm.  Minutes of the meeting on December 10, 2015 approved.

The Conservation Commission of Stoddard sent out a general mailing as a request to take a stand for the protection of bobcats in New Hampshire.  NOTICE: Public hearing to discuss the proposed rules for the bobcat season proposal (approved December 2015) is scheduled for Monday, February 1, 2016 at 6 pm in Representativesí Hall in the State House in Concord (107 North Main St., Concord).  Be there if you want to understand the proposed rules regarding a bobcat hunting and trapping season in our state.  Read more about the trapping proposal here:

All 2015 accounting for the Conservation Fund has been finalized with a final balance of $332,618.34 as of 12/31/15

NHACC Annual Dues are due ($296).  The team unanimously approved payment out of our 2016 budget.

Logging notice from the State of NH for Wetland Impact Review and Approval of for Tax Map 8, Lot 52

CCC Annual Report has been submitted by Bob Mann for the Annual Town Meeting scheduled for March 2016.


Public Outreach:  Frank demonstrated a trial version of an online virtual tour of Chichester conservation land.  Frank's article introducing invasive species was published in the Suncook Valley Sun.  See the story here:  Jim Eggers shared about his participation in a presentation of the NH Wildlife Action Plan.  See details of the NHWAP here:

Land Conservation: The commission is reviewing potential acreage off of Bear Hill Road for conservation easement.

Spaulding Town Forest: no new business

Carpenter Park:  no new business

Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: This will be a 2016 focus property for developing a plan to construct a circumferential path around Marsh Pond and including a wildlife viewing blind.

Easement Stewardship:  no new business

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.  Minutes prepared by Frank Harrison
Next Meeting: Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 7 pm, Public Invited