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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/08/2015
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting
2nd Thursdays at 7 pm
Minutes of Meeting October 8, 2015
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office

Present:  Bob Mann, Frank Harrison, Blaze Konefal, Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Jim Eggers

Call to Order by Bob Mann at 7:05 pm.  Minutes of the meeting on September 10, 2015 approved.

NH Association of Conservation Commissions Annual Meeting is Nov 7 at Pembroke Academy

Shirley Waters estate management lawyer contact all stakeholders regarding progress on liquidating assets.  The team agrees with the law office position, but is also interested in reviewing the Shirley Waters land (27 acres with potential subdivision) to be more informed of its status as a conservation interest.


a.      Public Outreach:  Frank presented a rough draft of an invasive plant species introduction for a series of articles for the Suncook Valley Sun.  This will be revised for publication.  Frank is also developing an interactive map website interface for conserved land in Chichester.
b.      Land Conservation: 5 Rivers Conservation Trust has inquired about a 150 acre parcel of land on Pleasant Street up for conservation easement.  As this project develops, the team will evaluate the extent of involvement depending on other pressing matters of easement stewardship and acquisition.
c.      Spaulding Town Forest: The survey and boundary marking work by TF Bernier is complete.
d.      Carpenter Park: The CCC team will to continue to advise the Town Parks and Rec Team about invasive plant species and encourage community volunteers to manage invasive control.  Although Japanese barberry has been an ongoing concern, it is not currently causing a physical problem with the park facilities.  However, there are other major invasive plants (such as autumn olive) that can be cut back to preserve open space in the park.
e.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: no new information
f.      Easement Stewardship:  Blaze has plans to finish all stewardship components for 2015.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.  Minutes prepared by Frank Harrison
Next Meeting: Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 7 pm, Public Invited
