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Conservation Commission Minutes 05/14/2015
Chichester Conservation Commission Monthly Meeting (2nd Thursdays at 7 pm)
Minutes of Meeting May 14, 2015
Grange Hall, Selectmen’s Office

Members Present:  Bob Mann, Zack Boyajian, Blaze Konefal, Gordon Jones, Frank Harrison, Jim Eggers

Call to Order by at 7:06 pm

The Commission welcomed Jim Eggers newly appointed Alternate Member.

Minutes of the meetings on April 9, 2015 approved.

•     Five Rivers Conservation Trust letter of thanks, and announcement the Eagle has Landed Program
•     Correspondence from the Shirley Waters Estate including record of monthly billing and Executor’s First Accounting accepted by the NH Circuit Count.
•     Accounting of Conservation Fund $332,000 report by the town.
•     Letters from NH Department of Environmental Services regarding wetland violation dredging and fill and corrective action requested by June 1, 2015 on a parcel adjacent to one of the town’s conservation properties.

a.      Public Outreach:  Heritage Commission will hold a presentation Care of Road Side Trees May 21, 2015 7PM at the Chichester Public Library.  Frank Harrison brought up website and potential improvements.  He will bring ideas to next meeting for a working session.
b.      Land Conservation: The Commission discussed a 15 acre parcel of land for sale.  No action was recommended.  Strategic discussion on how to increase visibility and interest from Town residents in conserving land.
c.      Spaulding Town Forest: Snowmobile Trail rerouting was discussed.  The Commission is waiting for proposed route to be marked by Traildogs.  Blaze Konefal talked with TF Bernier and is working on a contract for the survey work approved at town meeting.  It is a busy time of year and it may not happen right away.
d.      Carpenter Park:  Marianne Hromis is planning on using sheep for invasive barberry control in early June.  She will talk to the selectmen.    
e.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Zack Boyajian Blaze Konefal and Jim Eggers are to meet to do annual monitoring of the easement boundary and report to LCIP Saturday May 15 at 9AM.   They will also investigate additional trail possibilities.
f.      Easement stewardship.  Blaze Konefal, conducted easement monitoring at Blackman and Drinon (Reed) easements.  Both properties had signage issue that had either been resolved or are being worked on.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm.  

Next Meeting: Thursday June 11th Selectman’s Office

Minutes Approved: