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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/13/2014
Members present:  Zach Boyajian, Marianne Hromis, Robert Mann, Blaze Konefal, Dawn Marshall

Public present:  Colby Mitchell, Kim Mitchell

Meeting was called to order at 7:05pm.  

Review of Minutes:  October 9 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.

Mail Review:  Received 4 subsurface permit notifications from the Department of Environmental Services.  Received recent billing from the attorney  regarding the Estate of Shirley Waters.

Goals and projects:

1.      Public Outreach.  No reports.  
2.      Land Conservation.  Recent activity on efforts regarding conservation easements and land purchase were discussed.   No action taken.   
3.      Spaulding Town Forest.  Blaze is obtaining surveyors' estimates to locate bounds where the access meets Hutchinson Road.  A possible Warrant Article for raising funds for this work will be discussed in December.
4.      Carpenter Park. Marianne reported on field review and discussions with Invasive Weed and Plant Control of Epsom.   Application of herbicide will require a permit since it is on public land.  Control of Autumn Olive would likely be by cutting and stump treatment.  Costs for suppression of the barberry may be included in a Warrant Article and will be discussed in December.   Volunteers will start cutting the autumn olive at a work day on 11/5.
5.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area.  Status of pond level, dam status and pond vegetation were discussed.   Zach and Frank have measured and marked the phragmites patch on the northern side of the pond.
6.      Easement Stewardship.  LCIP stewardship reports have been completed for 2014.  

Other Business:

-  The proposed budget for 2015 was discussed.   A budget of $650 will be proposed to the Budget Committee and Selectmen.   Proposed budget approved by voice vote.  CCC is not required to present to the Budget Committee this year.
-  The possibility of deposit of  Shirley Waters Estate funds in an account other than the Conservation Fund was discussed.   This will be researched and discussed further in December.
-  An application to the Wetlands Bureau for work on Map 2, Lot 82, located on Route 4 was discussed. The   stream crossing of the access to the lot is downstream of a high value wetland in town on a spur drainage.  Minimal impact is expected.  Zack Boyajian made motion to “Authorize the Chair to sign the application and allow the permit to be processed.”  The Motion was seconded by Blaze Konefal and approved unanimously.   Under the new Wetlands
procedures, CCC will not request intervenor status.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.
