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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/14/2014
Chichester Conservation Commission (CCC)
Minutes of Meeting August 14, 2014
Selectmen's Office

Members present:  Frank Harrison, Marianne Hromis, Gordon Jones, Robert Mann

Meeting was called to order at 7:30pm.  

Review of Minutes:  July 10, 2014 meeting minutes were reviewed, not voted due to lack of quorum early in the meeting.

Mail Review:  Received 6 subsurface permit notifications from the Department of Environmental Services.  Received copies of attorney billing for June and July regarding the Estate of Shirley Waters.   Discussed memo requesting submissions from town departments for the 2015 CIP.

Goals and projects:

1.      Public Outreach.  No reports.  

2.      Land Conservation.  Recent activity on efforts regarding conservation easements and land purchase were discussed.   No action taken.   

3.      Spaulding Town Forest.  Marianne, Zack, and Bob walked the Spaulding Town Forest on 7/22 to re-locate parts of the snowmobile trail to minimize wetland crossings.   Flagging was left in place, and Trail Dawgs will be contacted about doing the trail work in the coming months.   Blaze is obtaining surveyors' estimates to locate property bounds.   

4.      Carpenter Park.  Marianne discussed the bayberry suppression plan with Jim Plunkett.   He will confirm  the use of his pesticide license when he returns from vacation.  The NH DOT may be able to help with spraying also.   

5.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area.  Status of pond level, dam status and pond vegetation were discussed.  

6.      Easement Stewardship.  No reports.  

Meeting Adjourned 8:30 PM
