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Conservation Commission Minutes 05/08/2014
Chichester Conservation Commission (CCC)
Minutes of Meeting May 8 2014
Selectmen's Office

Members present:  Zack Boyajian, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Robert Mann

Meeting was called to order at 7:06pm.  

Review of Minutes:  April 10, 2014 meeting minutes were reviewed, and approved unanimously.

Mail Review:  Received 2 subsurface permit notifications from the Department of Environmental Services. No action needed.  Received additional correspondence from the Estate of Shirley Waters including first accounting and reporting of attorney fees.  No action needed.  Notice from Five Rivers Conservation Trust regarding presentation about pumas at Red River Theater.   

Goals and projects:

1.      Public Outreach
Dawn and Zack had both attended the Plan NH Charrette steering committee meeting.  3 Member of Plan NH provided additional info on the grant program. The Charrette for Chichester Center/Main Street Plan is tentatively scheduled for October 17-18 2014.   Zack and Dawn both agreed to remain involved with the charrette steering and encouraged others to participate in October. Dawn also review the Barn Preservation talk hosted by the Historical Commission.
2.      Land Conservation
Bob hand delivered a letter and information regarding land protection to a Main Street resident.  A number of other potential parcels were discussed with limited new information. The Commission discussed involving Five Rivers Land Trust if appropriate.  
3.      Spaulding Town Forest
The Commission had visited the forest back in April.  Blaze got the deed for the access lot to help identify bounds and help with boundary marking as well as help plan for future access.  The Commission discussed using the Forest Maintenance account for work at the Town Forests (access and trails) and developing Warrant Article for 2015 approval.  Also discussed continued coordination with NH Trail Dawgs.  An additional site visit was tentatively set for June 1st to locate possible trail route from Forest Management Plan.
4.      Carpenter Park
Zack talked about trail planning being conducted by Park and Recreation Commission and the DRED Trail Permission Form and though it could be modified for walking path use in Chichester.
5.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area
Bob and Blaze re-set the Kiosk.  The Commission discussed expanding the trail system and need for wetland and or significant water crossings.  Additional field work is need to locate a viable trail.  Blaze will work on making sure boundaries are known to locate the trail.
6.      Easement Stewardship
The Blackman and Drionon Easements have been monitored.   The new owner of Drionon Easement has been cooperative.
7.      Other Business
New goal setting was put off until the June meeting when more member will hopefully be present.
Bob noted we had not made our annual donation to Five Rivers.  Dawn Marshall made motion to donate $50 to Five Rivers Conservation Trust. The motion was seconded by Blaze Konefal. The motion passed with three vote and one member abstaining.  

Meeting Adjourned 8:54 PM

Next meeting June 12, 2014.