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Conservation Commission Minutes 12/12/2013
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting December 12, 2013
Selectmen's Office

Members present:  Gordon Jones, Blaze Konefal, Robert Mann,
Others present:  Mary Ann Hromis

Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.   

Correspondence from Charlie Moreno  Charlie has notified us that he is over budget on the Spaulding lot due to extra time researching property lines and supervision of the cutting.  He has also spent 2 hours marking trees at Madeline Sanborn.
Zach's letter to property owners that have land between Carpenter Park and the school was reviewed and suggestions were made. Bob will pass along suggestions to Zach.

There was nothing to report on other various contacts with landowners.

Blaze reported on how the Conservation Fund is invested. The state laws for investment of the money are very limiting. No change to current investment is proposed.

Spaulding Town Forest
Bob has contacted landowner about an easement for continued access. The landowner is favorably inclined. A meeting with Selectmen about this will be done.
Logging is done. All monies are not in yet. An estimate of net return is around $23,000.
Boundary marking is postponed until Spring.

Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area: Trees have been marked. The logger is concerned that the value of the harvest may not cover his expenses. Gordon will contact him to get a clearer picture.

Other business:   It was noted that the Selectemen are seeking input on how the Shaw fields are to be used. The commission could not identify any conservation issues.
1Wetland Permit  on Durgin road was reviewed and signed off on.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM
