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Conservation Commission Minutes 06/13/2013
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting June 13, 2013
Selectmen's Office

Members present:  Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Zack Boyajian, Robert Mann
Also present:  Charles Moreno, Forester  

Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.  

Minutes of 5/9/13 were reviewed and approved with editorial corrections.

Mail review:    Reviewed letter from Five Rivers Conservation Trust acknowledging the recent donation from the CCC, a memo dated 6/4/13 from the Chichester CIP Committee soliciting 2013 capital projects exceeding $10,000 in cost, and a letter from the UNH Cooperative Extension regarding the 2013 volunteer Coverts Program and the 2013 Field Trip 101 workshop to be held 7/18/13 in Concord.  

Spaulding Town Forest logging bids:  Six logging contractors viewed trees marked by Charlie Moreno.  Three bids received by the deadline 6/11/13 from Jamison Logging, Sweet's Logging, and Mingarelli Logging.   Charlie reviewed the logging methods, experience and proposed start date of each bidder.  Though Sweet's is high bidder, his start date is December 2013.  Motion by Zack, seconded by Gordon, to request that Charlie Moreno discuss the proposed start date with Sweet's and make a recommendation on award of contract based on that discussion, and to authorize the chairman to sign a logging contract.    All in favor of the motion.  CCC will approach the Selectmen regarding waiver of the Timber Tax for this project.

Goals and Projects
1.      Public outreach.  Frank is working with Fred Shaw on expanding the web site to include information on CCC projects such as the invasive plants project.
2.      Land conservation.  Availability of a lot in the area of the Library was discussed.    Action pending hearing back from the owner regarding family wishes.  There were no new land real estate listings of potential interest this month.  
3.      Spaulding Town Forest.  In addition to the above discussion on logging bids, Blaze will pursue an estimate for materials for blazing the Spaulding boundaries.  
4.      Carpenter Park.  Some minor washout repair on new field will be completed by volunteers this week in preparation for patch hydro-seeding to be done end of week.  A meeting was held recently regarding the Eagle Scout construction of a boardwalk at a low point at the northerly end of the perimeter trail.  
5.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area.  Gordon will pursue possible use of Jim Plunkett's chemical application license on phragmites and also low-impact timber harvest techniques to be applied to the compact pine growth south of the Grange Hall.  
6.      Easement stewardship.  Blaze is working on the 2013 stewardship reports for LCIP easements.

Other:  Permit by Notification application for dry hydrant construction on Surran property north of Methodist Church was discussed.   Chairman signature waiving CCC intervener rights was authorized.

Adjournment at 9:00 pm
Minutes by Robert Mann
