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Conservation Commission Minutes 05/09/2013
Chichester Conservation Commission (CCC)
Minutes of Meeting May 9 2013
Selectmen's Office

Members present:  Zack Boyajian, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Robert Mann, Frank Harrison

Meeting was called to order at 7:08pm.  

Review of Minutes:  April 11, 2013 meeting minutes were reviewed, edited and approved unanimously.

Mail Review:  Newletter from Merrimack County Conservation District and Five Rivers Conservation Trust were received. Dawn Marshall made motion to donate $50 to Five Rivers Conservation Trust. The motion was seconded by Blaze Konefal. There was a discussion of the benefits of supporting the organization.  Particularly there was their support in last year’s conserving land public presentation and that they would be a primary organization to send people interested in donating conservation easement.   The motion passed unanimously.

Goals and projects:

1.      Public Outreach
There was a review of the past two workdays at Carpenter Park. Frank brought a slide show of phragmites and control efforts at marsh pond. There is approximately 20,000 square feet of Phragmites.  He used one 10X20 Tarp and put up informational sign in addition to the cutting already done.  The Commission is hoping that Jim Plunkett will get a pesticide applicator license for the town to help with the effort. Frank will contact Fred Shaw to discuss putting the slide show on web site and other possible updates.  
2.      Land Conservation
Bob, Dawn and Zack reviewed the site visit to Lot for sale on Pound Road.  It turned out the Lot is already under contract.  Bob will talk with the owner about another lot on Pound Road that would facilitate a trail from the School to the library.  Lot 44 is also still for sale, but didn’t seem to meet any particular conservation criteria.  The Commission planned a site visit to Pound Road Lot 105 for Tuesday May 14 in the evening pending permission of the owner.
3.      Spaulding Town Forest
Forestry project showing is still scheduled for May 27th, with a bid opening on June 11th.  The Commission will consider the bids at the June 13th meeting
4.      Carpenter Park (already discussed)
5.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area.
Blaze cut up the downed tree across the trail. Bob reported that Gordon is still planning on pursuing a small scale logging operation on the Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area.
6.      Easement Stewardship
All easement monitoring is complete. Blaze will work on the reports.
7.      Other Business
Commission membership:   Dawn and Blaze have both been reappointed.  Frank is waiting for appointment by the Selectmen.  Jeff Jordan is not planning on another term.

There was a discussion of trail activities on the south side of Carpenter Park.  There is continued evidence of trespassing, trail cutting and grading, and activities in wetlands. Zack will make an appointment with the selectmen at a regularly scheduled meeting later in the month. Frank will take pictures and attend the meeting.

Meeting Adjourned 9:04 PM

Next meeting June  13, 2013.

Robert Mann, Chairman