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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/10/2013
Chichester Conservation Commission (CCC)
Minutes of Meeting January10, 2013
Selectmen's Office

Members present:  Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Robert Mann, Frank Harrison
Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.  
Review of Minutes:  December 13, 2012 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved unanimously.
Mail Review:  No Mail.

A.      Conservation Funds Investment and Issues:  No new information available.
B.      Invasive Species Control on Town Lands: No new action due to winter conditions.
C.      Land and Easement stewardship:  Blaze wrote up the reports of easement monitoring. The reports include maps with GPS waypoints of the easement boundaries.  He will review them once prior to submitting to the state selectman and keep one for records.  Blaze will get forms for 2013 easement monitoring to begin in the spring..  Bob contacted the new landowner of the Drinon easement by mail to let them know that we will be monitoring in the spring.
D.      Public education and outreach:  The website site doesn’t have most recently approved minutes.      
E.      Carpenter Park Planning: No confirmed dated for any activities.  Discussion of burning brush pile during the winter.  Coordination with Fire Warden Stephen Stock is needed. The snowmobile trail has been rerouted along boundary with Pricketts. The stone wall boundary may have been modified, but it is unclear who did it.
F.      Public Information on Easements: Bob reported no new land listings on Northern New England Real Estate Network Website.  
G.      Plan for improved access and expanded use of Spaulding Town Forest:  Bids were open on December 20th.  Scott Sweet was the only bidder.  After discussion with Forester Charlie Moreno, the CCC decided to rebid the project in the spring.  This will allow more time to mark the trees and get more loggers to bid on the project.  Bob has contacted both landowners with whom we require access and they have verbally agreed to extend temporary access until May 2014.  Bob sent paper work to them for signatures.  The CCC discussed paying the forester for work completed prior to the harvest. Gordon made a motion “To hold a public hearing to consider withdrawal of up to $1500 from the Conservation Fund to pay Charlie Moreno for costs associated with the Spaulding Town Forest forest management project.” Blaze Konefal seconded the motion.  The motion was unanimously approved.  A public hearing will be scheduled for the February meeting and notice provideed in the paper.
Other business:
The CCC discussed goals for the year.  A reordering of the agenda was discussed to include agenda items for each of the primary town lands being managed and other ongoing activities.

CCC focus items
1.      Public Outreach
2.      Land Conservation
3.      Spaulding Town Forest
4.      Carpenter Park
5.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area.
6.      Easement Stewardship
7.      Other Business
Sub bullets will be added for different aspects on the town lands management such as invasive species control, boundary marking or forest management.

Next meeting February 14, 2012.
Meeting Adjourned 8:40 PM

Robert Mann, Chairman