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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/08/2012
Members present:  Bob Mann, Gordon Jones, Frank Harrison, Dawn Marshal, Zack Boyajian, and Stephen Stock

Meeting called to order at 1905

Minutes of 11 October 2012 meeting approved with corrections.

Mail Review:

•       Received access permission to Spaulding Forest from Mr. Lamy.

•       Budget and Warrant Article announcement from Board of Selectmen

•       UNHCE Class announcement—Forestry Laws for Municipal Officials; Stephen to attend on 27 November 2012.  Tuition free.

Existing Goals and Projects:
A.      Conservation Fund Investment and issues:  Nothing to report
B.      Plan for invasive species control on Town-owned lands:  
        a.      Gordon and Frank have worked on phragmites at MSCA for past two months.  Piles stacked and ready for burning.  Large area still standing that needs work.  Stephen to look into burning stacked piles.  Discussion on waiting until ground is frozen to continue further work.  Also discussion about raising level of Marsh Pond to change conditions for phragmites.  Gordon to conduct further research.  Frank to contact Eric Orf, NH Wildlife Biologist for assistance.

        b.      Carpenter Park:  Japanese Barberry more prevalent than first thought.  Access is now easier after logging and park clean up.  No work date set.
C.       Continued improvement of land and easement stewardship:
        a.      Drinon lot sold, new owner unknown to date.
        b.      Dawn looked at Ring Rd property (M9 L63).  Asking price is $149,900.  Further action tabled
        c.      Discussion held on potential tax savings to property owner to implement Conservation Easement.  Bob will contact NH Association of Conservation Commissions for information/formula.
        d.      Pound Rd (M5 L107):  Discussion held on purchase with no consensus.  Lot visit needed before further action.
D.      Public outreach, including walks and workshops:  Nothing to report
E.      Carpenter Park Planning:
        a.      Zack reports on Parks and Recreation meeting on 7 November
                i.      Parks & Rec. working on Warrant Article for Phase III
                ii.     Possible work day on 1 December 2012
                iii.    Approx. $75,000 to date with matching funds and volunteer work.
F.       Public information to promote conservation easements:  Nothing to report
G.      Spaulding Town Forest timber harvest and access:
        a.      Mr. Lamy granted 6 month access for 50’X2000’ roadway.
        b.      Questions answered about Forester Contract—all agreeable
        c.      Charlie Moreno to review bids and make recommendation to CCC and BOS.
        d.      Meeting with Charlie Moreno on 10 November 2012 at 1230 to view Spaulding Forest and discuss trail routes and potential recreation areas.
        e.      Discussion held on cutting a clearing for scenic overlook at top of Spaulding Forest Lot

Budget:  Lengthy discussion held.  FY 12 budget of $650.  Motion to request $700 for FY 2013 approved unanimously.

Next Meeting on 13 December 2013 at 1900 hrs. at the Selectmen’s Office

Meeting adjourned at 2040

Respectfully submitted,         Robert Mann, Chairman
Stephen D. Stock