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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/11/2012
Chichester Conservation Commission (CCC)
Minutes of Meeting October 11, 2012
Selectmen's Office

Members present:  Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Robert Mann, Frank Harrison
Meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm.  
Review of Minutes:  September 13, 2012 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved unanimously with amendments.
Mail Review:  Announcement of 42nd annual meeting of New Hampshire Association of conservation commissions on NOV 3rd.  It is likely one or more members will attend the workshops.

A.      Conservation Funds Investment and Issues:  No new information available.

B.      Invasive Species Control on Town Lands: Big hand for Gordon for starting hand cutting of phragmities at Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area (MSCA). Discussion of possible invasive species control at Carpenter park in November.

C.      Land and Easement stewardship:  4 No Hunting signs were put up on MSCA by Bob and Blaze in accordance with deed restrictions.

D.      Public education and outreach:  Dawn stated that the Heritage Commission would like to beautify the park trail with bulbs and other plantings.

E.      Carpenter Park Planning: Zack reported from the Parks and Recreation Commission discussed about FY13 budget, rules and November workday. Bob suggested looking at MSCA rules for example already in use in Chichester. Zack talked about more clearly identifying and marking trails on Carpenter Park on the south of Bear Hill Road as there are many skid trails and we want at least some to grow back but also to provide a small trail network with a possible loop.  Blaze and Dawn said they would help. Carpenter Park work day is scheduled for November 3rd in conjunction with Chichester Youth Association fall clean up day.  Work on the Park land grading continues on schedule.

F.      Public Information on Easements: Frank provided NE Real listing for land in Chichester.  Bob will review the posting and prioritize them as to importance to Chichester conservation priority zones

G.      Plan for improved access and expanded use of Spaulding Town Forest: Discussion regarding access across Mr. Lamy’s property.  Still waiting for Mr. Lamy to sign the temporary right-of-way.  We reviewed forester Charles Moreno’s cost proposal for marking and soliciting loggers to perform selective harvest on Spaulding Town Forest.  Gordon made motion to authorize Bob to sign agreement with Charles Moreno once Mr. Lamy has provided the right-of-way.  Frank seconded the motion. The motion unanimously approved. The hope is to have the forestry conducted this fall or winter and to coordinate trail work with the forester.

Other business:
Shaw Property.  Capitol Appraisers was hired to appraise the parcel and provided a value of $65,000.  Bob provided the value to Fred Shaw to talk with other family members.  All CCC agreed that the Shaw property being immediately adjacent to MSCA and other town fields on Main Street that we should continued to pursue this opportunity.  

Request to expedite wetland permit for Perry Brook Road crossing. Installation of new box culvert was designed for 50 year flood events and would greatly improve water flow and migration of wildlife.  A priority conservation zone is upstream from the project, but should not be impacted.  There was general agreement that the project review was OK to expedite.

Next meeting November 8th 7PM Selectman’s Office

Motion to adjourn at 8:29pm passes.

Robert Mann, Chairman