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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/08/2010
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
July 8, 2010

Members Present:  Chairman Robert Mann, Vice-Chairman Zack Boyajian, Dawn Marshal, Gordon Jones and Secretary Jamie A Pike.

Others Present: Blaze Konefal

Chairman Mann opened the meeting at 7:07pm.

The minutes of the June 14, 2010 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Mr. Jones and seconded by Ms. Marshall to approve the minutes as written. Motion passes.

The Commission reviewed reports from Stephen Walker regarding site visits to the Blackman and Drinon Conservation Easements. The reports detailed the, by GPS mapping, the routes taken during the visit. There were no violations found. These visits were done as ongoing monitoring as these easements were granted under the LCIP program.

Goals and Tasks:

Primary discussion on this evening was to develop a list of goals and associated tasks to be undertaken over the next year.

1.      Public Education and Outreach
        a.      Old Home Day
                i.      Graphic Presentations
                ii.     Brochures
        b.      Heritage Commission Partnership
                i.      Natural Resource Excursions
2.      Land Protection:
        a.      Natural Resources and Open Space
                i.      Inventory
                ii.     Targeted Solicitations
3.      Town Forests
        a.      Formal Declaration
                i.      Town Meeting Warrant
        b.      Forest Management
                i.      Selective Cuts
        c.      Spaulding Lot
                i.      Access improvement
4.      Recreation Planning
        a.      Carpenter Park
                i.      River Access
                ii.     CCS Trail
                iii.    Master Plan
5.      GPS Activities
        a.      Geo Caching
Other Business:

Old Home Day:  A 10 X 10 space has been reserved for a Conservation Booth. Supplies needed will be NRI maps, easel, table, brochures and a tent.

GPS:  Mr. Pike will check with UNH about GPS unit availability.

Heritage Commission:  Walking activities are to be planned for the fall. Activities could include the Outdoor Classroom at CCS, the MSCA, the Shaw Fields, and Historic Town Center.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Jones and seconded by Ms. Marshall to adjourn the meeting at 8:15pm. Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike                                                            Approved as written.

Robert Mann, Chairman