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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/09/2009
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
February 9, 2009

Members Present:  Bob Mann, Jeff Andrews, Dawn Marshall, Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones and Jamie Pike, Secretary.

Mr. Mann called the meeting to order at 7:02pm.

Discussion:  Mike Seraikas, Beaver Brook Environmental, Conservation Easement

Mr. Seraikas was present this evening to discuss a Conservation Easement on Map 3 Lot 10.  This easement was first proposed on a plat approved by the Planning Board on August 5, 2004.  This easement was never drafted or completed.  Mr. Andrews commented that he has spoken with the Wetlands Bureau concerning this project.

Mr. Seraikas presented photographs of the area, specifically of the detention basin which was built as designed less the required plantings.  Other photographs were also presented of the area of the proposed construction of a wetland less the required plantings.  The total area depicted on the plan equals 0.03 acres.

The second wetland was not created.

The only wetlands on the proposed Conservation Easement are on the western boundary.

NHDES has requested an in lieu fee of $100,000 in place of executing the easement.  Mr. Seraikas stated the easement was originally placed as a deed restriction.  Following research, it was determined there was not a restriction contained within the deed.

The acreage of the proposed easement is 5.15 acres.

Mr. Boyajian reported that on his review of the property that there are no significant natural resources to be noted on the property with exception to an undeveloped riparian area and proximity to High-Value Wetland #5.

The Commission reviewed the other easement criteria without any solid conclusion.

The discussion was tabled until a site visit of the property on April 13th at 6pm.

Review of Minutes and Correspondence

The minutes of January 12th were reviewed and amended to reflect the discussion concerning Mr. Seraikas.  A motion was made to approve the minutes as amended by Mr. Andrews and seconded by Ms. Marshall.

A bill was received from the NH Association of Conservation Commissions.  This bill will be submitted for payment subject to funding at Town Meeting.

The Treasurerís report for the year ending December 31, 2008 showed a balance of $182,809.73 for the Conservation Fund.

CCC Goal Status Review

The Commission reviewed signage options for the entrance to the MSCA.  Mr. Andrews recommended a sign like the one located at the Depot Street Bridge.  Other items discussed concerning the entrance to the MSCA were the eradication of the poison ivy, a picnic table, steps into the area from the parking lot and trail clean-up.

Mr. Boyajian reviewed the presentation on Workforce Housing and noted that a Community Forum will occur on February 14th.  The Commission previewed the build-out prepared by the CNHRPC.

Mr. Mann and Mr. Andrews had a meeting with Mr. Cavacco concerning the dam on Marsh Pond.  Mr. Cavacco was not receptive to any discussion.

Mr. Andrews presented a one page summary on the NHDES Water Resources Primer, which is available on the NHDES website (

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:15pm by Mr. Boyajian and seconded by Mr. Jones.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A. Pike, Secretary

Robert Mann, Chairman