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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/11/2008
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
August 11, 2008

Members present:  Bob Mann, Jeff Andrews, Zach Boyajian, and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Mr. Mann called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

Review of Minutes and Correspondence
The minutes of July 14, 2008 were reviewed and approved as written.  All correspondence and Board of Selectmen minutes were also reviewed.

Ferman Conservation Easement
There was discussion concerning the construction of the access driveway to the hydrant for the Fire Department.  A decision has not yet been made by the Selectmen as they are awaiting Town Counsel review.  The Conservation Easement is ready and prepared for signature.

Land Management
Mr. Boyajian is working with the Recreation Commission with a focus on Carpenter Park.  The Commission is seeking recent available aerial photography to develop base information.  Mr. Boyajian also presented a draft copy of the Recreation Master Plan.  The goals and objectives of the Conservation Commission as it relates to the Recreation Master Plan included trails, conservation of open-space and access to recreational water areas.

High-Value Wetlands Study
The Study has been completed and dispersed to the membership and copies were provided for other Boards within the Town.  The meeting of September 8th shall include discussion of presenting the study to the Planning Board.
Other Business
County Forester Tim Fleury will be contacted by Mr. Boyajian concerning the management of the Town forestlands.

The next meeting of the Commission will be on September 8, 2008.  Being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 8:23pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Pike, Secretary

Robert Mann, Chairman