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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/11/2008
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
February 11 2008

Meeting called to order at 7:03pm.  Members present:  Bob Mann. Jeff Andrews, Walter Sanborn, Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones, and Secretary Jamie Pike

The Minutes of the January 14th meeting were reviewed and the following correction was made.

Page 2 Paragraph 2 …..wetlands permit application for Chucksters, LLC.

Being no further corrections, a motion was made to approve the minutes as corrected by Mr. Boyajian and seconded by Mr. Andrews.  Motion passes.

Correspondence and Workshop announcements were reviewed.

Brandon Giuda and Frank Merrill, Conservation Easement

Mr. Giuda explained to the Commission that they were close to getting the wetlands permit.  The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) has recommended the open space be placed into a conservation easement.  The ACE has stated that it is best to perform the easement through the Town and Mr. Giuda is before the Commission for an informational meeting.

Mr. Merrill’s land is comprised of mature hardwoods and pine forest.  Mr. Giuda’s land was previously rendered as waste land due to the partial construction of a golf course.  The cost of the restoration of this land is approximately $4000 per acre and will take up to 5 years to complete the restoration to fields and hardwood forest.

Mr. Andrews made mention to the value of the wetlands as there is significant flow from the abutting Jones property.

Mr. Giuda explained to the Commission that two options under consideration are to place the land into a conservation easement, or for development restrictions be placed in the deed to the Town.  Mr. Giuda also stated that The Five Rivers Trust is also an option for the holding of the easement.

It was explained that most of the open-space would be put into the easement with a stipulation for access trails.  If the Town were to accept the easement, the Town would monitor the easement through Mr. Merrill and Mr. & Mrs. Giuda and the Conservation Commission.  

The total acreage proposed to be included in the easement is approximately 150 acres.

The Commission raised concerns over the expense of the monitoring of the easement.  Land Use Change Taxes from the property were suggested as possible offsetting revenues.

Mr. Mann asked what the next step would be if the Commission were to accept the easement.  Mr. Giuda stated that he is meeting with the ACE and the EPA on 2/20/08 and will be acquiring templates for a potential easement.  

Mr. Andrews recommended that the Commission accept the easement but with a provision for a secondary executory interest such as the 5 Rivers Trust should the Commission ever dissolve.

Mr. Giuda was requested to provide a template of the easement at the next meeting of the Commission on March 10th.  

CCC Goals Status Review  

?       The execution the Ferman Conservation Easement to be headed by Jeff Andrews
                Nothing new to report.

?       The completion of the High-Value Wetlands Study to be headed by Bob Mann and Jeff Andrews
                VHB will be present at the next meeting to present the report to the Commission                         and a public informational meeting will be scheduled for April.

?       The reconstruction of the Marsh Pond Dam to be headed by Bob Mann
                Nothing new to report
?       The revision and development of land management plans for conservation and town-owned lands to be headed by Zack Boyajian
                It was recommended that if there is no activity of the Recreation Committee that                        the Commission move forward.

?       The establishment of long-range, forward looking objectives of the Commission to be headed by Zack Boyajian
        See Below

?       The completion of the Base Line Documentation Report of the Plummer parcel of the MSCA to be headed by Jeff Andrews.
                Nothing new to report

Long Range Goals

Mr. Boyajian brought forward eight potential focus areas.  Through much discussion and review of the Natural Resources Inventory, the Commission place priority on the following focus areas throughout the Town.

?       Unfragmented Land
?       Wildlife Habitats
?       Water Resources
?       Scenic Resources

?       Recreation Resources
?       Agriculatural Resources
?       Co-occurance Areas
                Suncook River
                Lynxfield Pond
                Perry Brook
                Plausawa Highlands

Mr. Boyajian presented the Commission with measurable objectives that could be applied to each of the prioritized focus areas.  These objectives include but are not limited to easements or purchase to coincide with the primary objective to preserve focus areas for long-term protection so these areas do not lose their value.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:07pm by Mr. Mann and seconded by Mr. Boyajian.  Motion passes.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jamie A Pike
Jamie A Pike, Secretary

Robert Mann                             03/10/08
___________________________     _______________ As Corrected.
Robert Mann, Chairman           Date