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Conservation Commission Minutes 01/14/2008
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
January 14, 2008

Meeting called to order at 7:05pm.  Members present:  Bob Mann. Jeff Andrews, Walter Sanborn, Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones and Dawn Marshall. Jeff to take minutes.

Revisions recommended to the minutes of the December 10th meeting were made to official copy.  A motion was made to accept the minutes as amended. Motion passed unanimously.

Review of Mail

?       The minutes of the Selectmen’s Meeting 12/18/07 show that the Selectmen have directed Lisa to schedule a meeting with the CCC to discuss the proposed warrant article to amend the Land Use Change Tax revenue distribution.
?       Received copy of comment letter from DES Wetlands dated 12/12/07 relative to Guida/Merril project.
?       Received copy of comment letter from DES Alteration of Terrain dated 12/28/07 relative to Edward & Vickie O’Brien project.
?       Received copy of comment letter from DES Wetlands dated 01/04/08 relative to James & Michelle Plunkett project.
?       The minutes of the Board of Adjustment’s Meeting 11/14/07 relative to Mark Blasko project.
?       Booklet with proposed 2008 amendments to zoning ordinance

CCC Goals Status Review

The execution the Ferman Conservation Easement to be headed by Jeff Andrews
Mr. Andrews received a call from Barbara Firman. She reported that a meeting was scheduled with the Fire Department and that she would be getting back to Jeff after that meeting.

The completion of the High-Value Wetlands Study to be headed by Bob Mann and Jeff Andrews
Mr. Andrews reported that the contract was negotiated to include GIS rating of the wetlands not visited. Rating sheets could be revisited in the future if information from fieldwork becomes available. The final contract price is now reduced from $19,800 to $18,825. Draft report is still expected to be presented to the Commission in February.

Reconstruction of Marsh Pond Dam
Nothing new to report

Revision and development of land management plans for conservation and town-owned lands.
Nothing new to report

Establishment of long-range, forward looking objectives of the Commission
Nothing new to report

Baseline Documentation Report for Plummer parcel
Nothing new to report

Land Protection Contacts
Mr. Andrews reported that he had heard from Charles Garland on the deed research for the Whittemore parcel. Progress has been made and the fee is still estimated to be $500.

Other Business

Received copy of new standard dredge & fill wetlands permit application for Chucksters, LLC. No motions were made to send comments to DES Wetlands since project is for wetlands crossing that CCC reviewed previously. The application showed no encroachment on any wetlands buffer besides the crossing.

Discussion on need to recruit another CCC member and alternate member.

Discussion on upcoming meeting with BOS on 1/22/08.

Discussion on letter Gordon received from Farm Bureau.

Upcoming Meetings

1/22/08 Meeting with BOS
1/31/08 Planning Board Hearing on Zoning Amendments
2/11/08 Next CCC Mtg

Being no further discussion, Mr. Mann adjourned the meeting at 8:28pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Jeffrey G. Andrews, Acting Secretary                            Approved as Corrected

_______________________         _______________
Robert Mann, Chairman           Date