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Conservation Commission Minutes 11/13/2006

Chichester Conservation Commission
11/13/06~Meeting Minutes
7:00 pm, Chichester Grange Hall

Present:  Jeff Andrews, Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Bob Mann, Mike Marchand, Dawn Marshall, Walter Sanborn and Lee-Ann Valotto

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  

1.  Review of Minutes from October 9, 2006 Meeting and mail review  

Minute were unanimously approved.

7:01 pm Presentation by Mark Blasko, Family Entertainment Center Tax Map 2/ Lot 81
Mr. Blasko returns to present revised plans for his business due to complaints received from abutters at the Planning Board meeting.  The revised plans involve 1150 sq. ft. impact on an approximately 3000 sq. ft. wetland.  He applied to the ZBA for a variance and it was approved.  He has submitted a wetlands permit to DES and is awaiting their decision.  He asked for comment on the revised plan.  The commission stands by the original letter of comment submitted to the Planning Board
Presentation ended 7:26 pm

Selectmen’s minutes from 10/19/06 note that the dam on Marsh pond is no longer considered a “dam in disrepair” but is now a “dam in ruins”.  The state regulates dams in disrepair but not dams in ruins.  However the owner of the dam is required not to let the dam be built up again.

UNH Cooperative Extension is hosting “Taking action for Wildlife” 12/2/06 from 9-3.

A letter dated 10/19/06 to James Mullany regarding a wetlands complaint on Conamarra Dr. Map 2/ Lot 77.  The complaint was resolved.

2.  Discussion
Low impact development techniques
Jeff provided an overview of the Federal Storm water Program, the effect of development on infiltration of storm water and how low impact development techniques can be used to lessen the impact of storm water runoff.

NRI review
Jeff presented a review of the information that is found in the Natural Resources Inventory and ways in which it can be used to assist in planning and comment on new development.  Mike suggested that we should routinely use the NRI information and maps when reviewing and commenting on projects that come before us.

3.  Goals status review ("Active Projects" New Suggested Title)
        Long Term
a.      Complete wetlands inventory  
No new comment on this item regarding Phase II.  We will discuss Phase II at the December meeting.  It was noted that the information from Phase I should be used when reviewing plans and that it may be useful to present this information to the Planning board and the ZBA.

b.      Increase involvement with the Planning board
        Continue to monitor the agenda
        Post-construction stormwater ordinance drafted by DES was presented to the Planning Board by Jeff.

c.      Sanborn –Cray Management / Marsh Pond Dam
Bob suggested that based on the information in the Selectmen’s minutes of 10/19/06 regarding the dam now being classified as a “dam in ruins”, that we should meet with the Selectmen to find out the consequences of this classification and if further action needs to be taken.
Zack is concerned that poor communication or oversight between the Dam bureau and DES resulted in the town not being able to completely remove the dam therefore leading to the current classification.
Mike expressed concern about using CCC funds to rebuild the Dam.

d.      Carpenter Park Survey
The survey is in progress.
Short Term

a.  Access to Sanborn-Cray
Bob, Jeff and Lee-Ann met and nailed down the boards for the puncheon crossing.  Two loads of metal were removed.  There is still a large amount of debris to be removed.  Some items are large and heavy and others are partially buried.  Bob suggested one more attempt to clean up prior to the ground freezing.  Bob and Jeff will be at the site Saturday 11/18 at 9:00 am.

Zack is continuing to work on the map of the resources for the easement.  He requested plans for the Plummer parcel that was purchased.  Jeff will provide.

b.      Establish a stewardship account
Bob is trying to contact the Treasurer to see if there is a problem with adding a line to the CCC budget for stewardship.

c.              Adopt Criteria for accepting a conservation easement  
Mike is reviewing and will make a suggestion next month.
d.      Habitat/ vernal pool inventory of Town-owned land
Mike showed the group a draft of his work.  He will continue work on the final product.

Lee-Ann has updated the goals on the website.  She is working on writing updates for the current links and adding new links.  She will email the group for comments and suggestions as to content to add and remove.

Land protection contacts
Gordon stated that he received a Farm bureau newsletter with new information about tax credits for donating or putting land into conservation.  This is for agricultural land.  He will try to locate the information.

4. Other
Jeff has submitted the annual easement monitoring reports to LCIP.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pm

Upcoming Meetings/Events

11/18   9:00am   Junk removal from Conservation land – meet at Town Office
11/21   7:45 pm  Selectmen and Budget meeting
11/28   7:45 pm  Selectmen regarding Marsh Pond Dam
12/11   7:00 PM at Town Hall – Regular CCC meeting