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Conservation Commission Minutes 09/11/2006
Chichester Conservation Commission
09/11/06~Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall

Present:  Jeff Andrews, Zack Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Bob Mann, Dawn Marshall, Walter Sanborn and Lee-Ann Valotto

Brad Towle – Planning Board Chairman

Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm.
1.  General Items

Minute were unanimously approved.

2.  Presentation of plans for Family Entertainment Center on Dover Rd. Tax map 2, lot 81by Anthony Costello of A.C.       Engineering and Mark Blasko
The project plans were presented for CCC comment prior to going to the Planning Board.  The proposal is for a Miniature Golf and Batting Cages.  The plans were prepared in accordance with the current wetland zoning ordinance.   No formal comment was provided.  Jeff suggested the applicant look into pervious asphalt for the parking area to allow for infiltration of storm water.  Mr. Costello mentioned the possible use of Filtrexx silt socks to help treat the parking lot water run off before it reaches the adjacent wetland.

3.  Goals status review
Long Term
        a.   Complete wetlands inventory  
Jeff emailed VHB with the list of landowners who do not want anyone on their property to evaluate the wetlands.  According to VHB, we would have problem with access to 7 of the 18 screened wetlands in the northern portion of town.          
Gordon stated that he spoke to Gary Schreier who said that he would allow access to the wetlands as long as the information would not be used to pursue a prime wetlands designation.

Bob believes that the information that would be obtained by performing the inventory is useful on its own without actually going through adoption of prime wetlands.

Jeff emailed the NH Association of Conservation Commissions for advice on gaining informed consent from the landowners.  Their reply said that for informed consent a positive response is required.  

Lee-Ann feels that due to the amount of negative feedback we should not proceed with Phase II.

Zack suggested that we bring the issue of Phase II to town meeting for a vote.  He is concerned we will not know the functional values of the wetlands if we stop know.

Bob suggested a possible “sense of the meeting” non binding vote.

Motion made by Bob, seconded by Walter
Indefinitely postpone the proposal to proceed with Phase II due to the need for the CCC to provide more information to the community to gain support.
                Motion passed
                5 yes
                2 no

b. Increase involvement with the Planning board
Brad Towle, Chairman of the Planning Board attended the meeting.  He stated that the Planning board highly values the CCC input.  He will work with Andrea in getting development plans to the CCC as early as possible so that if there is a need to comment we will have time.
The Planning Board will be rewriting its bylaws and Site Review Regulations and Brad welcomed suggestions.
If an item is on the Planning Board agenda, plans should be available for review.  Contact Andrea to set up a time.

    c.  Sanborn –Cray
Management plan
Zack has generated an initial map specific to the easement to help supplement the management plan.  He will continue to work to help identify wildlife habitat areas, the amount of area in a forested state that can be managed, best access points etc.
There has been no response from the Wetlands Bureau to the letter sent regarding concern over breaching the dam twice.  The Selectmen are still moving forward with dam removal plans but no timetable has been set.

d.   Carpenter Park Survey
Jeff stated that minor changes were made to the contract so it still needs to be signed before work can begin.  Abutters are being notified.  

Short Term
a.      Access to Sanborn-Cray   
Jeff suggested putting in a puncheon, a log type crossing (p. 25 BMP trail maintenance).  Jeff will discuss with the wetlands bureau to see what options are available for the crossing.
The area needs to be cleaned up.  Jeff suggested that September 23 may be a good day.  He will email everyone if it is OK.

b.      Establish a stewardship account
Jeff contacted the NH Association of Conservation Commissions (NHACC) for advice.  The NHACC in turn contacted the legal staff at the Local Government Center who suggested that rather than opening a separate account, a separate line item could be created for stewardship within the Conservation fund.  The line item would remain a zero balance until funds specifically designated for stewardship such as easement monitoring and enforcement of violations.  Currently all stewardship is done on a volunteer basis.
c.      Adopt Criteria for accepting a conservation easement – no progress.  

d.      Habitat/ vernal pool inventory of Town-owned land
Inventory is 2/3 complete.  The rest will be done next year.

e.      Website
Lee-Ann is working on writing the page updates.  She has asked CCC members for comments and suggestions regarding changes to the website.
Lee-Ann will ask Fred if he has information on the number of hits the site receives.

f.      Land protection contacts
Jeff was approached at Old Home Day by a landowner interested in land conservation for their property.  Co-occurrence maps were reviewed and the property has high scenic value, wildlife habitat and although there is no water resource value, it is adjacent to two high value water parcels.  Jeff will contact the owners to discuss.

Plans for expansion of Holmes Carpet with new warehouse and retail office building were received.  The plans have conditional Planning Board approval.  The plans are in compliance with the wetlands buffers set backs in the zoning ordinance.  Jeff noted that the property is in a high water resource value area as noted in the NRI.  He will write a comment letter to the Planning board suggesting some low impact development ideas.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:59 pm

Upcoming Meetings/Events

10/09  7:00 PM at Town Hall – Regular CCC meeting