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Conservation Commission Minutes 08/07/2006
Chichester Conservation Commission
08/07/06~Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall

Present:  Jeff Andrews, Zack Boyajian, Bob Mann, Dawn Marshall, Walter Sanborn and Lee-Ann Valotto
7:00 pm
Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm.

1.  General Items
Regarding the information received last month, that draft minutes need to be posted within 144 hours of the meeting, Bob asked if this was doable for Lee-Ann.   He noted that other boards - Selectmen, Planning and ZBA- have paid secretaries.  Lee-Ann will report back on the impact of compliance with the posting date.  

Zack suggested changing the format of the minutes to have an “old business” and “new business” section.  Lee-Ann will look into it.
Minutes were unanimously approved.

Meyers RV has received a letter from the DES following up the progress of a 5.15 conservation easement agreed to in a 2002 wetlands permit.  

Planning board provided plans for a 4 lot subdivision on Harvest Rd.

2.  Goals status review

Long Term
        a.   Complete wetlands inventory  
                Motion by Jeff seconded by Dawn
                Take complete wetlands inventory item off the table for discussion to update.   
                Motion passed 5-1.
                Jeff contacted 5 of the landowners Brandon Guida stated he was representing.  He spoke to Mrs. Merrill.  She declined comment and asked him to speak to her husband.  Jeff did not speak to Mr. Frank Merrill.
Mr. Francis Felcon and Mrs. Susan Schreier stated that they did not want anyone on their property.
Mrs. Julie Patterson and Mrs. Barbara Ferman said that access may be granted as long as they were notified properly.  Mrs. Ferman stated that she would want someone home at the time due to the training dogs.

If the project is voted on to continue, “Proper notification” will need to be worked out possibly with the help of the town attorney.

Jeff will contact VHB to see if it would be worth proceeding with the study if the Guida, MacCleery, Felcon, Merrill and Scheier properties are not included.
Gordon could not attend tonight’s meeting and requested that a vote on this item not be taken until he is present next month.

Motion – Zack seconded by Lee-Ann
Postpone the vote on this item until the September 11 meeting.
Motion Passed

b.      Increase involvement with the Planning board – Harvest Rd. subdivision plans were received

c.     Sanborn –Cray
Zack reviewed the management plan and had some questions.  What restrictions are placed on the acquired Plummer property?  The restrictions are similar to the S-C easement restrictions i.e. no structures, subdivision, or parking lots.  However, a gravel access road is allowed.
Is there a map of the easement?  Jeff referred him to the NRI or Tax Map.  Zack prefers to have a more precise mapping of the area if we are going to follow through on the management plan and has volunteered to work on that map to supplement the plan and to depict where the resources are.

Bob asked about the results of the July walk of the access area.  Zack noted that there is a partial trail and a wetland to cross.  The map may be helpful for information to bring to the wetlands bureau about putting an access over the wetland area.

Jocelyn Deggler of the Wetlands Bureau sent a letter dated 7/31/06 to the Selectmen with 7 comments of items that need to be addressed before a permit is issued.  Reply is required by November 28, 2006.

d.      Carpenter Park Survey –Jeff stated that a revised contract has been received.  The contract has been forwarded for the Selectmen and Parks and Recreation to review.

Short Term
a.      Access to Sanborn-Cray  - see item 1
b.      Establish a stewardship account – Questions were raised as to what the account would be used for and how it will be administered.  The account will cover costs associated with monitoring and enforcement of easements.  We will review in September if the item should be proceeded with.
c.      Adopt Criteria for accepting a conservation easement – no progress.  
d.      Habitat/ vernal pool inventory of Town –owned land – inventory 2/3 complete.  The rest will be done next year.
e.      Website – Lee-Ann is in contact with Fred Shaw.  The contact information has been updated.  She will be working on updating goals and inserting new links.
Lee-Ann mentioned that Fred Shaw asked if the CCC would be interested in doing a citizen poll on the website.  We will keep it in mind if an issue arises that would be appropriate.
Jeff asked if we could get the number of hits to the site.  Lee-Ann will ask Fred.
f.      Land protection contacts – nothing to report

L&K Trucking received the wetlands permit to increase their parking lot area.
CCC will have a table at Old Home Day.  Jeff and Zack will be there.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm

Upcoming Meetings/Events

09/11 7:00 PM at Town Hall – Regular CCC meeting