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Conservation Commission Minutes 05/08/2006
Chichester Conservation Commission
05/08/06~Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall

Present:~Jeff Andrews, Bob Mann, Mike Marchand, Walter Sanborn, Zack Boyajian, Dawn Marshall and Lee-Ann Valotto

1.  General Items
The newly appointed members, Zack Boyajian and Dawn Marshall (alt.), were introduced.  
Minutes from last month were unanimously approved.

2.  Website Maintenance and Education
Lee-Ann will work on updating the CCC web page with current goals and information.  She will find out if it is possible to place pictures on the site and what limits we have for adding information and links.

3.  Increasing involvement with the Planning Board
Discussion:     What do we hope to accomplish?
                What level of involvement are we interested in?
We need input from the Selectmen.  A meeting with the Selectmen will be scheduled for May 23 to propose the idea.

Consider giving a presentation to the Planning Board and ZBA sometime in the fall to inform them of the resources the CCC has and can offer regarding Open space/conservation and wetlands issues.

4.  Sanborn-Cray easement access – short term
Pick up trash – no specific date was set.  
Look into minor cutting to clean up the trail with possible stepping stones over the wet area leading in.
Mark the trail with flags
Put up a sign at the back corner of the Town Hall parking lot.

5.  Goals status review
        Long Term
        a.  Complete wetlands inventory
motion – Hold a public hearing in June regarding the withdrawal of funds from the conservation fund for phase II of the wetlands study  
3  aye ;  1  no ;  2  abstain
Motion passes

b.      Increase involvement with the Planning board – covered in # 3
c.      Sanborn –Cray – covered in #4
d.      Carpenter Park Survey – Bob and Jeff met with the Selectmen and the Selectmen have put together a management plan for the Carpenter properties dated 5/2/06.
Motion – Authorize the withdrawal of up to $7500 for the purpose of the CCC contribution to the survey of Carpenter Park.       
3  aye ;  1  no ;  3  abstain
Motion passes   
        Short Term
a.      Access to Sanborn – Cray  covered in #4
b.      Establish a stewardship account – deferred
c.      Adopt Criteria for accepting a conservation easement – no progress
d.      Habitat/ vernal pool inventory – will be completed in June
e.      Website – covered in #2
f.      Land protection contacts – nothing to report            

The Blackman easement monitoring was completed by Jeff.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:56 pm

Upcoming Meetings/Events

05/20   Five Rivers Conservation Trust annual meeting
05/20   VLAP workshop
05/23    8:30 meet with Selectmen
06/12   7:00 PM at Town Hall – Regular CCC meeting