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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/13/2006
Chichester Conservation Commission
02/13/06~Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall
Present:~Jeff Andrews, Gordon Jones, Bob Mann, Mike Marchand, Walter Sanborn, Deb Soule, and Lee-Ann Valotto
General Items
Minutes from last month were unanimously approved.
Using Conservation Funds for Survey of Carpenter Park
Selectmen Richard DeBold and David Colbert requested the CCC reconsider using some of the conservation funds for surveying Carpenter Park (currently a warrant article). In a previous meeting, the CCC decided that since there were currently no conservation aspects at the Carpenter Park and the CCC had no jurisdiction over it, it was not an appropriate use of the money. This discussion surfaced again with the Selectmen.~Selectmen DeBold mentioned the possibility of a letter of commitment from the Selectmen to add a conservation type aspect to the property, such as to include the CCC in a management plan for the park properties. Bob suggested a site walk so the CCC could get a better feel for what the property is like. The CCC discussed having a public hearing to use the conservation funds for surveying Carpenter Park but determined that the action would be scrutinized similar to a public hearing at the town meeting. Later in the meeting, Jeff motioned to support the warrant article as written; including dedicating some money from the conservation fund provided the CCC received a letter of commitment from the Selectmen which included a provision for a participatory role for the CCC in the management of Carpenter Park (including forestry management and protection of other significant natural resources). Motion carried.
Open Space Conservation Development~
Brandon Giuda presented the final draft of the Open Space Conservation Development proposal which will be on the ballot. Concern was raised by 2 CCC members that certain allowable uses (under item 6.c.1) were contrary to the statements listed in the Purpose section of the proposal.
CCC Goals Status Review:
1) Land Protection Subcommittee
Nothing to report.
2) Source Water Protection Education Efforts/Web Site
Lee-Ann is still waiting for the Suncook Valley Sun to publish her source water protection article.
3) Designating Prime Wetlands
Jeff, Bob, and Mike went to the Planning Board to get their feedback on this project. The Planning Board encouraged the CCC to move forward to phase II of the study. The CCC hopes to meet with the Selectmen on 2/28 to determine their level of support for the project. VHB will be submitting a proposal for the second part of the study.
4) Carpenter Park Survey/Easement Boundary Clarification
See second item of minutes (above).
5) Implementing the Sanborn Cray Conservation Area management plan.
The closing on the Plummer Property is scheduled for March 15th.
The CCC received notice of a wetlands permit application for the Webster Mills Bridge replacement project. Although the inclusion of a wider span to prevent scour during flood flows and to provide a better wildlife corridor would have been desired, the CCC decided to not ask for intervener status.
Jeff motioned to thank Deb for all her hard work for the past 3 years (as this was her last meeting). Motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 PM.
Upcoming Meetings/Events
03/13 @ 7:00 PM at Town Hall – Regular CCC meeting
03/15 – Plummer property closing