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December 6, 2004
Chichester Conservation Commission
12/06/04         Meeting Minutes
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall

Present:  Bob Mann, Jeff Andrews, Walter Sanborn, Gordon Jones, Lee-Ann Valotto   
        Also present:  Mike Marchand
General Items
Minutes from last month were unanimously approved.

Ron Bourcier, Civil Engineer – The H.L. Turner Group

Chris Stewart – Englewood Contruction, Bedford, NH

Ron and Chris are representing a client who owns the 8 acre lot next to Hess on the south side of route 4.  According to a 1999 plan from the previous owner, the lot has approximated 2 acres of poorly drained soiled located in 2 separate 1 acre sections.  Due to the 100’ wetland setback, the use of this lot is limited.  A suggested proposal was presented that would include a 10,000 sq. ft. building and associated parking.  This would involve an approximately 20,000 sq. ft. wetlands impact with a proposed 4.5 acre mitigation.  The information was presented to CCC for feedback.  Ron and Chris were informed that the Planning Board is the decision maker and the information needs to be presented to them first.  The CCC acts in an advisory capacity.  The lot has not been delineated by a wetlands scientist, presented to DES or the Chichester Planning Board.  Presentation was completed at 7:31 p.m.

Discussion on Goal 5: Designating Prime Wetlands
Jeff presented a revised RFP based on feedback provided at last months meeting.  

A motion was made for Jeff to send out the RFP to area wetlands scientists and/or consultants to receive proposals by January 20, 2005.  The motion passed.

Proposals will be received by January 20, 2005.  A public hearing will be held in February regarding the use of conservation funds for this project.  A selection committee will be formed to review the proposals and interview the top 3 consultants prior to the March CCC meeting.

Land Protection Subcommittee
Jeff reported that individual land owners are not coming forward to protect parcels of land.  He suggested the commission consider alternative methods of purchasing land such as bonding so that money is available as land becomes available for sale.

Sanborn Cray Conservation Area access project
According to the Selectmen’s minutes of November 23, the road agent has done some work to the dam draining water from Marsh Pond.  The water level has dropped significantly.  Bob and Jeff are meeting with the Selectmen on Tuesday, December 7 at 8:00 pm to see if the Selectmen have met with DES to determine the best course of action for repairing the dam.  A purchase and sale agreement for the back 6 acres of the Plummer parcel has been drafted and submitted to the town attorney for review.  The status of the dam needs to be determined prior to moving forward.

Goals for CCC
The remaining unfinished goals were reviewed to see what progress has been made. Note: Goal #3 –“Seeking funds for purchasing (or gaining donations of) conservation land and/or easements” is reviewed every month as a regular agenda item and has been removed from the list below.

2) Coordinating with the Planning Board on environmentally related rules.
The proposed wetlands ordinance change went to Public Hearing on Thursday, December 2.  Changes were made to the document that were considered significant therefore a second Public Hearing will be held Thursday, January 6, 2005.  If the ordinance is not changed significantly at the second hearing it will go to the voters in March.

5) Beginning the process of designating prime wetlands.
        Already covered in main meeting minutes.

7) Implementing the Sanborn Cray Conservation Area management plan.
        Already covered in main meeting minutes.        

Goal setting for 2005 was discussed.  Jeff distributed last years list of goals and presented some new ideas to consider.  Everyone is encouraged to bring ideas to the January meeting where they will be prioritized.
Continue from 2004
        Designate prime wetlands
        Land protection
        Source water protection
New for 2005
        Explore possibility of bonding for conservation land purchase
        Create a local scenic walk book
        Work on a warrant article to place conservation easements on the town forests (Spaulding, Carpenter)
        Post scenic roads
        Establish CCC web site include link to wetland bureau complaint form
Erect woodduck boxes
        Establish stewardship account
        Blaze/ paint property bounds on conservation easements
        Reduce percent impervious in planning board rules
        Research household waste day

Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm.  A motion was made by Bob to reopen the meeting to discuss the CCC budget for FY 2005.  Motion Passed.
Meeting was reopened at 8:46 pm.
A motion was made to request a $1000 budget from the Selectmen and the budget committee for FY 2005.  Motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:51 pm.

Upcoming Meetings
1/10/05 @ 7:00 pm in Selectmen’s conference room – Regular CCC meeting