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Oct 14, 2002
Chichester Conservation Commission
10/14/02 Meeting Minutes -Approved 11/11/02
7PM, Chichester Grange Hall

Present: R. Mann, J. Andrews, G. Jones, W. Sanborn
Absent: J Jordan

-  Minutes of 9/9/02 approved

-  Draft bylaws distributed.  Comments will be discussed at November meeting

-  R.Mann to check with Heather on access to a file cabinet and terms of appointment to the conscom

-  Jeff Andrews provided an update on Natural Resource Inventory procedure.  NRI contractor surveys have been returned from Watershed to Wildlife of Whitefield and E Ann Poole of Concord.  Range of costs appear to be $4,500 to $16,000.  Jeff will put together a request for proposals and distribute to members.  Vote on proceeding this way: Y4, N0

-  Goals Discussion: bolded goals were given the high priority noted:
1.  Do NRI
Erect woodduck boxes
Establish stewardship account
Blaze/paint property bounds on conservation easements
2.  Develop a plan for Sanborn/Cray access
Reduce percent pervious in planning board rules
Map9/lot 103 donation
Green Crow letter
Mr. Sheehan Mr. Rivers donation
Designate prime wetlands
3.  Research household waste day
Establish ConsCom web site
Input to master plan
Establish cons com office
Contact landowners about easements

-  Other tasks determined to be routine and do-able:
Get fire retardent file cabinet at town offices
Monitor existing conservation easements
Write entry for town report
Keep meeting minutes and records
Notice all meetings
Develop bylaws

- Next meeting 11/11/02.  Agenda items: finalize bylaws, take action on NRI RFP, report on household hazardous waste day procedure
Adjourn 8:45 PM