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Capital Improvement Committee Minutes 12/23/2013
Capital Improvement Program Committee (CIP)


Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, December 23, 2013
Location: Chichester Town Library

Members present: Matt Cole, Allen Mayville, and Anthony Galdieri
Members Absent: - Andrea Deachman and Darren Tapp

The meeting began at approximately 7:30PM at the Chichester Town Library.

The committee reviewed the draft meeting minutes from November 25, 2013 and December 16, 2013, made no changes to them, and approved them as final.

The final CIP Report for 2014-2023 was then presented.  The meeting on the report was open to the public for comment.  No members of the public being in attendance, comments were solicited from committee members.  Matt proposed a few minor edits to be in Sections 4 and 6 of the report.  The edits were made in the proposed final draft report.  Then CIP committee then voted to approve the proposed final draft with Matt’s edits as final.  Anthony so moved, Allen seconded the motion, and the committee voted unanimously to approve the proposed final draft report as final.

The CIP committee subsequently reviewed these minutes at the meeting as well and approved them as final.  Once these minutes were approved, Anthony made a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded by Allen.  The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting ended at approximately 7:45PM.