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Capital Improvement Committee Minutes 11/25/2013

Capital Improvement Program Committee (CIP)

Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 25, 2013
Location: Chichester Town Library

Members present: Anthony Galdieri, Allen Mayville, and Andrea Deachman
Members absent: Matt Cole and Darren Tapp.

The meeting began at approximately 7:30PM at the Chichester Town Library.

The CIP Committee reviewed the draft CIP Report as developed to date.  Anthony incorporated Allen’s and Matt’s changes to the CIP Report and distributed these changes to the committee for review.  Andrea proposed numerous revisions and edits to the report, which the committee made during the meeting.

The CIP Committee also reviewed draft minutes from the previous meeting, revised them on respect, and approved them as final based on that revision.

The CIP Committee discussed the need to get the CIP Report out and in the hands of the Selectmen and Budget Committee as soon as possible.  The CIP Committee discussed the revisions and edits that still need to be incorporated with regard to charts and acknowledged that most of those revisions are being done by Darren.  The CIP Committee therefore decided to plan its next meeting at a time when Darren would most likely be available so it could get a final draft report completed and hold a public hearing on it.  

The CIP Committee further agreed that all present members would continue revising and editing the draft sections that have already been incorporated into the report and completed by the other members with the goal of having all revisions and edits completed for next meeting.

Andrea also agreed to look into several items regarding capital reserve funds, including double-checking the names of the funds and standardizing them in the report and looking into whether certain monies were deposited into those funds in 2013 in accordance with the CIP Committee’s prior recommendations.

The November 25, 2013 CIP Committee meeting concluded at approximately 8:40PM.