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Capital Improvement Committee Minutes 10/02/2013

Capital Improvement Program Committee (CIP)


Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Location: Chichester Fire Station

Members present: Darren Tapp, Matt Cole, and Anthony Galdieri
Members Absent: - Andrea Deachman, Alan Mayville

The meeting began at approximately 7:30PM at the Chichester Fire Station.  The agenda set forth four topics for discussion: (1) reviewing and voting on draft minutes of prior meeting; (2) discuss CIP submissions received to date; (3) update current CIP spreadsheet; and (4) discussing any other CIP business as appropriate.

The CIP Committee tabled reviewing and voting on the draft minutes from its prior meeting as copies of the draft minutes were not available for review.

The CIP Committee then discussed the updated CIP spreadsheet.  Anthony asked whether the Heavy Equipment capital reserve fund applied generally to Highway Department vehicles.  Matt indicated his belief that it did.  Anthony further clarified that it appeared that the ambulance user fees offset the replacement of a new ambulance when such vehicle needed to be purchased.  Matt indicated that this has historically been the trend.

The CIP Committee also updated the spreadsheet by subtracting out of the total amount of capital improvements for the year the entire value of proposed road reconstruction over the next ten years and showing this on a separate line of the spreadsheet.  The CIP Committee reasoned that it would recommend appropriating the total requested amount for road reconstruction in its final report, as the intent of the voters at the last town meeting appeared to be that Chichester’s road system should be improved and maintained as the Road Advisory Committee had recommended last year and continues to recommend this year.  

After subtracting out the value of road reconstruction, the CIP Committee agreed that it would work the remaining amount of appropriately $4 million down to an amount approximating last year’s recommended amount.

The CIP Committee further agree that at least one of its members should provide the updated “as submitted” spreadsheet to the Selectmen for review and ask them whether the approach the committee is proposing to take would be useful to them.  Anthony agreed to attend the Selectmen’s October 8, 2013 and present the spreadsheet for feedback.

The CIP Committee agreed to hold its next meeting on October 23, 2013 at 7:30PM, at which time it would begin attempting to produce a final spreadsheet for inclusion in its final report.

The CIP Committee meeting concluded at approximately 8:30PM.