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Capital Improvement Committee Minutes 07/24/2013
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Location: Chichester Public Library

Members present: Darren Tapp, Alan Mayville, and Anthony Galdieri
Members Absent: - Matt Cole and Andrea Deachman

The meeting began at approximately 6:30PM at the Chichester Public Library.

The CIP Committee discussed reviewing and voting on the draft minutes from its prior two meetings.  All members being in attendance from the first meeting on May 30, 2013, the CIP Committee voted unanimously to approve the May 30, 2013 draft minutes and make them final.  The CIP Committee proposed some revisions to the July 3, 2013 draft minutes but decided to table approval of them until the next meeting, as one of the members at the July 3, 2013 meeting was not present to review and vote on them.

The CIP Committee then discussed the further CIP submissions to date.  Specifically, the CIP Committee reviewed in detail submissions from the school, town library, and historical society.  The school submitted a request for equipment for emergency preparedness at an estimated cost of $34,000 and a request for reconditioning of the athletic fields at an estimated cost of $112,000.  The library submitted a request for front and rear parking lot improvements at an estimated cost of $24,100.  The historical society indicated that it does not currently have any plans for capital improvement projects.

The CIP Committee then decided for each CIP submission received to date whether to accept it as a capital improvement project as that term was defined in the committee’s 2012 report.  

After deliberation, the CIP Committee voted unanimously to accept the school’s submissions as capital improvement projects for the school, not for the town, and voted unanimously to include these submissions in its report for informational purposes.

The CIP Committee also voted unanimously to accept all of the Fire Department’s submissions as meeting the definition of capital improvement project for inclusion in the committee’s final report.

The CIP Committee also voted unanimously to accept the library’s submission as meeting the definition of a capital improvement project for inclusion in the committee’s final report.

The CIP Committee also acknowledged that the historical society had no plans for capital improvement projects.

The CIP Committee remarked that it had not yet received any proposals from the Highway Department or Selectmen, though they could be submitted and pending at the town office.  The committee agreed to follow-up on this.

The CIP Committee also discussed whether it would receive proposals from the Road Advisory Committee.  The CIP Committee discussed the current road projects briefly and Alan Mayville indicated that the amounts allocated for roadway projects this year may change.

The CIP Committee agreed that its next meeting would involve a tour of the Fire Station to view the capital improvement projects proposed by that department.  The next meeting would be set in accordance with the Fire Department’s schedule and would occur at the Fire Department building.

The July 24, 2013 CIP Committee meeting concluded at approximately 7:30PM.