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Capital Improvement Committee Minutes 07/03/2013
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Location: Chichester Public Library

Members present: Darren Tapp, Andrea Deachman, and Anthony Galdieri
Members Absent: - Matt Cole and Alan Mayville

The meeting began at approximately 6:30PM at the Chichester Public Library.  The agenda set forth four topics for discussion: (1) reviewing and voting on draft minutes of prior meeting; (2) discuss CIP submissions received to date; (3) discussing whether to draft an ordinance requiring CIP submissions to be submitted yearly by a specific date and time; and (4) discussing any other CIP business as appropriate.

The CIP Committee discussed reviewing and voting on the draft minutes from its prior meeting.  The CIP Committee decided to table this approval until the next meeting, as two members of the four members present at the previous meeting were not present to review and vote on them.

The CIP Committee then discussed the CIP submissions to date.  The only department that submitted its CIP proposals by the deadline for submissions was the fire department.  The committee remarked that this seemed odd given the fact that other departments often express concern that the fire department, in their opinion, is appropriated more funds for capital improvements than other departments.  In fairness to the other departments, the CIP Committee decided to issue a reminder letter to town department heads requesting all CIP proposals to be submitted to the CIP Committee by July 19, 2013.  In the event no further submissions are received, the CIP Committee will discuss at its next meeting whether to proceed solely with the CIP submissions received from the fire department.

The CIP committee proceeded to discuss the fire department’s CIP submissions in detail.  The first submission discussed was a request for $10,000 for calendar years 2013, 2014, and 2015 for dry hydrants.  The Committee discussed the nominal impact such dry hydrants have on lowering local homeowner insurance costs, but had no substantive questions about the proposal.

The next submission discuss was a request to replace a 1977 Dodge Forestry Vehicle in 2014.  The estimated cost is approximately $50,000, $25,000 of which will come from a capital reserve fund.  The Committee had no substantive questions about this proposal.

The next submission discussed was a Rescue Truck Replacement in 2015 at an estimated cost of $300,000.  No grants or money from capital reserves appear to be available for this vehicle.  Andrea volunteered to check on this.

The next submission discussed concerned paving the parking lot of the fire station in 2018.  The estimated cost is $18,625.  

The next submission discussed was funding for the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus in 2018.  The proposed cost is $199,699.61.  The Committee had substantial questions about the cost of this item, whether these can purchased in increments, and whether other dealers would offer a lower cost for these items.  The Committee had questions about how many functioning cylinders or apparatuses were involved with this proposed purchase and how many units the estimated price would purchase.  We will address these questions to Matt Cole.

The CIP Committee then considered the request for a Fire Engine Replacement in 2019 at a total estimated cost of $500,000.  There appear to be no grant or capital reserve funds available to subsidize this purchase.  The Committee questioned why the fire department requires two fire engines.

The CIP Committee considered a request for a new Ambulance in 2020 at an estimated cost of $230,000.  The Committee did not have any substantial questions about this item.  The Committee questioned what the Ambulance Special Revenue Fund is and how it is funded.

Finally, the committee considered a request for a new roof for the Fire Department Building at an estimated cost of $30,000. There appear to be no grant or capital reserve funds available to subsidize this purchase.

The CIP Committee discussed setting a regular meeting date and time, but could not do so at this time given schedule changes that will occur in July.  The CIP Committee has tentatively scheduled its next meeting for July 24, 2013.

The CIP Committee also discussed and agreed that the committee should send out a letter to all Department Heads as soon as possible requesting CIP submissions be submitted by June 27, 2013 at the latest.

The CIP Committee also agreed that it should review the wording of capital reserve fund accounts.

The Committee agreed to meet next on July 24, 2013 at 6:30PM at the Chichester Public Library.

The July 3, 2013 CIP Committee meeting concluded at approximately 7:40PM.