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Capital Improvement Committee Minutes 05/30/2013

Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Location: Chichester Public Library

Members present: Anthony Galdieri, Darren Tapp, Matt Cole, and Allen Mayville
Members Absent: - None.

The meeting began at approximately 7:30PM at the Chichester Public Library.  The agenda set forth three topics for discussion: (1) establishing regular meeting times; (2) discussing the 2012 CIP Report; (3) discussing and reviewing framework for reviewing CIP submissions; and (4) discussing any other CIP business as appropriate.

The CIP Committee discussed setting a regular meeting date and time, but could not do so at this time given schedule changes that will occur in July.  The CIP Committee has tentatively scheduled its meeting for July 3, 2013.

The CIP Committee also discussed and agreed that the committee should send out a letter to all Department Heads as soon as possible requesting CIP submissions be submitted by June 27, 2013 at the latest.

The CIP Committee also discussed the 2012 CIP Report.  In this regard, the committee discussed improvements that could be made to certain areas of the report, including whether definitions should be modified.  The committee also recognized that updating the data and spreadsheets contained in the report takes considerable time and requires significant advanced work and planning.  Additionally, the committee will need the minutes from the March 2013 town meeting in order to update the data and spreadsheets in the report.  The committee also agreed that going forward it will need to evaluate road projects in light of the vote at town meeting to appropriate additional money to fix portions of Kelly Corner Rd. and Pleasant St. and will need to take a close look at future roads projects.

The CIP Committee also discussed modifying the definition of a capital improvement project to drop the useful life for such projects from 5 years to 3 three years.  The rationale for this change would be to bring certain vehicle and technology purchases that cost more than $10,000, but have useful lives of less than 5 years, into the purview of the CIP Report.  

Darren Tapp moved to vote to change the useful life for capital improvement projects from 5 years to 3 years.  Anthony Galdieri seconded the motion.  The motion fails by a vote of one to three.  Darren Tapp voted in favor of motion.  Matt Cole, Allen Mayville, and Anthony Galdieri voted against the motion.

The CIP Committee also discussed briefly a framework for reviewing incoming CIP submissions going forward.  The CIP Committee determined that it would intake requests and initially screen them for compliance with the definition of a capital improvement project.  Those requests that meet the definition of a capital improvement project will be scrutinized in further detail and arrangements may be made to discuss questions about those submission with the departments or groups that submit them.

Matt Cole also presented the CIP Committee with a letter from the New Hampshire Preservation Alliance to the Chichester Heritage Commission dated December 19, 2012 and a follow-up letter from the Chichester Historical Society and the Chichester Heritage Commission to the Town of Chichester dated March 13, 2013.  The letters appear to discuss improving and/or preserving Chichester “center” and recommend Chichester contribute $5,000 to Plan NH to sponsor and facilitate a design charrette.  The CIP Committee reviewed and discussed the letters but did not take a position on them.

The May 30, 2013 CIP Committee meeting concluded at approximately 8:30PM.