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Capital Improvement Committee Minutes 07/12/2016

CIP Committee Meeting
Tuesday, July 12, 2016 7:00pm
Chichester Safety Building 22 Main St Chichester, NH

Present Were: Matt Cole, Anne Davis, Alan Mayville, and Brenda Roukey Absent: Michelle Plunkett

Call to Order
The meeting opened at 7:25pm.

The previous meeting minutes were reviewed (4/27 /16 minutes). Motion to accept the minutes was made by Ann Davis and seconded by Alan Mayville. All were in favor; minutes passed.

Matt Cole discussed the CIP submittals from each department. The large packets were from the Highway and Fire Departments. Time was taken to review each submittal and discussion of each basically reviewed the request and notes within the request. Copies of all submittals will be attachments to these minutes. Matt offered to provide copies/ make a packet for this purpose.

Ann Davis noted that she would get in touch with Jody Pinard, Town Administrator, to find out more about her submission expected for the parking lot. Also, while speaking to Jody she will also inquire about the computer upgrades expected and any other evaluations she may be doing that would impact CIP. Specifically, the plan for building space and records retention were mentioned.

Matt will data enter all the updates to the CIP spreadsheet. He recommended a line item for $3M for town buildings and structures as a placeholder.

Ann will draft letter to Chichester BOS to inquire about the infratructure. It was unanimous among the CIP members that it would be prudent and wise and include a CIP
section in the Master Plan.

Matt mentioned that we received an invite from Old Home Day Committee asking if the CIP would like to have a booth so residents could learn more about CIP. It was decided that this would not be a venue where CIP would be of interest. People go to Old Home Day to celebrate our town and have fun.

It was suggested that we invite other department people to the next meeting. Meeting notices will be posted as normal at the Town Hall and Library in advance.

Next Meeting: Proposed as Wednesday, 7/27@ 6:30pm

Ann Davis will get Michelle Plunkett's email address for Brenda to route CIP info and minutes.


A motion to adjourn was made by Matt Cole and seconded by Ann Davis. All in favor; meeting closed at 8:05pm.