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Capital Improvement Committee Minutes 08/31/2016

CIP Committee Meeting

Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Safety Building
22 Main St, Chichester, NH

Present Were:  Matt Cole, Anne Davis, Michelle Plunkett, Alan Mayville, Brenda Roukey, Lucille Noel, Lisa Prizo, Carolee Davison and Jim Plunkett

Call to Order
The meeting opened at 6:35pm.

Anne Davis presented the previous meeting minutes and the group reviewed.    All were in favor; minutes were accepted.

CIP – Library Requests
Lucille Noel reviewed the CIP requests pertaining to the following:
A.       Parking Lot
-       Changed from $24,580 to $23,900 ($24k for CIP purposes)
-       Lucille has met with Wolcott and others about the project, including Jim Plunkett.  
-       There are concerns pertaining to drainage and intersection issues that need to be resolved.
-       Lucille brought pictures of the lot and referred to them to explain project details.
-       Lines in the parking lot are being planned to maximize spaces.
-       It was noted that the pavement is in such disrepair that it could potentially pose liability to the town.
-       Asphalt prices are down so it was stated that it would be advantageous to do this project now.
B.      Charette Team Project
-        Original charge was to improve safety and create a centralized village feel
-       The proposal addresses such issues as: safe crossing on Main Street (always pedestrian traffic for AA Meetings, Community suppers, etc)
-       The State suggested crosswalk (by planter and historical society to parish) and street lights required (District 5)
-       Heidi Marshall is the State person assisting with this project.

CIP Questions for the Library CIP Requests:
-       What would be more of a priority the parking lot or the crosswalk?
Answer:  Doing both (library and crosswalk ) makes sense.  Holding off on the Town Hall parking lot would make the most sense given the circumstances.

Letter:  CIP to BOS
Matt discussed the draft letter (re: infrastructure) that Ann Davis drafted (thank you Ann!).  The committee reviewed the letter and made minor changes.  Matt will bring to the first BOS meeting in September.   This opened discussion up about the meeting space in town.  Lucille stated that Tuesday and Friday nights are available at the library.

CIP - Highway Department Requests
Jim Plunkett attended at the request of the CIP to review the highway department submissions.  Items discussed and clarified with Jim were:
•     Capital Reserve – which year and any fund allocations?
•     $42k offset truck or grader? (Jim says grader, but spoke about a grant he is trying to get for this purpose as well)
•     Plow Truck clarification $190k in 2023
•     RAC – specific projects were discussed and what was coming up (ie: Bear Hill to Ferin and last piece of Pleasant St)
•     Line #41:  ¾ ton $33k (Discussion:  Fire Department Forestry Truck used for a period of time and then built out to meet highway specs too –every 5 years); replaced 2021.
•     Jim spoke of the 1997 truck and stated that it really needs to be replaced and when the Merrill project comes onboard and the plow route is expanded, it will be a necessity.

Next Meeting:  
Work Session :  Wednesday, 9/21 @ 6:30pm @ the safety building

A motion to adjourn was made by Ann Davis and seconded by Matt Cole.  All in favor; meeting closed at 7:57pm.